CTET 2011 Question Paper-2 with Answer


CTET 2011 Question Paper-2 with Answer

Child DevelopmentMathematics and ScienceSocial studiesLanguage-I(Eng)Language-II(Hindi)

Q71. Bleeding is stopped by the application of alum to a wound because

(a) the wound is plugged by the alum chunk

(b) alum coagulates the blood and forms a clot

(c) alum reduces the temperature near the wound

(d) alum is an antiseptic

 Answer: (b) alum coagulates the blood and forms a clot

Explain: Formation of clot or coagulation of blood is required to stop bleeding. As soon the blood gets coagulated, a clot is formed. On applying alum on the wound, the aluminum and sulfate ions in the alum react with the proteins in the blood causing the coagulation of the blood.

Q72. When an iron nail is dipped in copper sulfate solution, the color of copper sulfate solution fades and a brownish layer is deposited over the iron nail. This is an example of

(a) combination reaction

(2 decomposition reaction

(c) double displacement reaction

(d) displacement and redox reactions

 Answer: (d) displacement and redox reactions

Explain: The reaction that Occurs on dipping an iron nail in copper sulfate solution is as follows:

Fe +CuSO4 → FesO4 + Cu

As iron is more reactive than copper, thus, it will displace the copper from the copper sulfate solution and form iron sulfate giving the solution a faded appearance. The copper metal gets deposited over the iron nail giving it a brownish color. Hence, it is a displacement reaction. In this reaction, iron gains oxygen(Oxidation reaction) from copper sulfate solution (oxidizing agent) while copper sulfate loses oxygen (reduction reaction) supplying it to iron (reducing agent). Hence, it is also a redox reaction.

Q73. While diluting sulphuric acid, it is recommended that the acid should be added to water because

(a) acid has a strong affinity for water

(b) the acid may break the glass container

(c) dilution of acid is highly exothermic

(d) dilution of acid is highly endothermic

 Answer: (c) dilution of acid is highly exothermic

Explain: When we dilute acid, it is always recommended that we should avoid adding water to acid and rather add acid to water in small quantity. This is because when acids are diluted, they release a lot of heat, i.e. it is an exothermic reaction. If we add water to acid, then the acid would boil violently and splash out of the container. It is dangerous as the acid can burn the clothes or skin.

Q74. The thumb of humans moves more freely than other fingers due to the presence of

(a) pivotal joint

(b) gliding joint

(c) hinge joint

(d) saddle joint

 Answer: (d) saddle joint

Explain: There are three types of joints, i.e., immovable joint, slightly movable joint and freely-movable joint. Pivot joint, gliding joint, hinge joint saddle joint and ball-and-socket is freely-movable (synovial) joints.

The hinge joint is found in the elbow, knee, and fingers. The pivot joint is found in the neck. Gliding joint is found in the wrist and ankles. Saddle joint is found in the thumb. Ball-and-socket joint occurs in the shoulder and hip.

Q75. Root cap is absent in

(a) Xerophytes

(b) Hydrophytes

(c) Mesophytes

(d) Halophytes

 Answer: (b) Hydrophytes

Explain: Root cap refers to the tissue found at the tip of the root All terrestrial plants possess root cap. Hydrophytes (plants found in water) lack root cap because the roots in these plants are very poorly developed due to availability of plenty of water.

Q76. Adding salt and sugar to food substances helps in preserving them for a longer duration. It is because of excess salt and sugar

(a) plasmolyze the microbial cells

(b) cause rupturing of microbial cells

(c) cause change in the shape of microbial cells

(d) remove water from food

 Answer: (a) plasmolyze the microbial cells

Explain: Plasmolysis is a process in which the water is lost by a cell kept in concentrated solution. When salt or sugar is added to the food item, it makes the environment too concentrated for the microbial cells. The water in the microbial cells is released out due to which the cell membrane shrinks causing the death of the microbes.

Q77. Hormone Adrenaline

(a) helps control the level of sugar in the blood

(b) helps the body to adjust stress level when one is very angry or worried

(c) helps control height

(d) helps control the balance of electrolytes in the body

 Answer: (b) helps the body to adjust stress level when one is very angry or worried

Explain: Adrenaline is a hormone secreted from the adrenal glands. It is also referred to as a stress hormone because it helps the body to prepare itself for flight or fight in response to stressful condition. The production of adrenaline is stopped after the end of a stressful condition.

Q78. The bluehouse effect which is causing an increase in the atmospheric temperature is mainly due to

(a) oxygen

(b) nitrogen

(c) carbon dioxide

(d) sulfur

 Answer: (c) carbon dioxide

Explain: the Greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon which helps n keeping the atmosphere of earth warm. The bluehouse gases (CO2, methane, etc.) absorb the heat of the Sun and the earth and emit it back to the earth’s surface. This increases the atmospheric temperature.

Q79. Green plants appear to release oxygen instead of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere during the daytime because

(a) Breen plants do not respire during the night time

(b) blue plants respire only during the night time

(c) blue plants respire during the day time but are involved in photosynthesis during the night time

(d) the rate of photosynthesis IS higher than the rate of respiration during the daytime

 Answer: (d) the rate of photosynthesis IS higher than the rate of respiration during the daytime

Explain: It is true that blue plants release more oxygen than carbon dioxide during the daytime. t is because photosynthesis occurs in plants during daytime and its rate is the rate of higher photosynthesis. than

The carbon dioxide released by the plants during the daytime is absorbed by the plants for photosynthesis; thus, the amount of net carbon dioxide released by the plants during daytime in the atmosphere is negligible. Plants release oxygen during photosynthesis which Is used for respiration by animals as well as by plants.

Q80. A common characteristic feature of plant sieve-tube cells and mammalian erythrocytes is

(a) absence of a nucleus

(b) absence of chloroplast

(c) absence of cell wall

(d) presence of hemoglobin

 Answer: (a) absence of a nucleus

Explain: Sieve-tube cells and mammalian erythrocytes (red blood cells) do not contain nucleus. The sieve-tube cells depend upon the companion cells for their activities. RBCs do not need nucleus as they do not reproduce. They just transport cells for hemoglobin.

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