Quiz-6: EVS and Pedagogy MCQ Question with Answer

EVS and Pedagogy MCQ Question with Answer

Directions (Q. 1–30): Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate option.

Q1. The animals which have hair on their body and visible ears are

(a) oviparous

(b) viviparous

(c) amphibians

(d) invertebrates

Answer: (b)

Explanation: The animals, which have hair on their body and visible ears, are viviparous. Viviparous animals give birth to their young ones, for; example, dogs, cats, cows, deer, humans, etc.

Q2. Which of the following cannot perform self-pollination?

(a) Hibiscus

(b) Papaya

(c) Mustard

(d) Rose

Answer: (b)

Explanation: Unisexual flowers like papaya cannot perform self-pollination. Papaya produces unisexual flowers, which means either male parts (stamens) or female parts (pistils) are present in its flower. In self­ pollination, pollens are transferred from another to the stigma of the same flower. This type of pollination is possible in bisexual flowers, such as hibiscus, mustard, rose, etc.

Q3. Who takes all the decisions in the herd of elephants?

(a) Oldest male

(b) Oldest female

(c) Middle-aged males

(d) Middle-aged females

Answer: (b)

Explanation: The oldest female is the leader of the herd of elephants. She takes all the decisions. Male elephants leave their herd when they are 14– 15 years old and move around alone.

Q4. Vertebrates are identified by the presence of

(a) chambers in their heart

(b) scales on their body

(c) number of limbs

(d) backbone

Answer: (d)

Explanation: All vertebrates have backbones. The backbone is a vertebral column on the back of animals, made of jointed bones. Vertebrates include all fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.

Q5. Which of the following is the most appropriate way to discourage children from going out in the rainy season in Delhi?

(a) By telling them that they would get hurt

(b) By teaching them about waterborne diseases

(c) By warning them that they would drown in water

(d) By telling them that they would get caught by monsters

Answer: (b)

Explanation: The most appropriate way to discourage children from doing something is by telling and explaining the truth. So, it is important to teach and explain to them what is wrong. Regarding the rainy season, in moderate rainy areas like Delhi, it is appropriate to warn them of waterborne diseases.

Q6. Which of the following food components represent energy giving foods?

(a) Carbohydrate and roughage

(b) Carbohydrate and fat

(c) Roughage and fat

(d) None of these

Answer: (b)

Explanation: Carbohydrates and fat are energy giving foods. Roughage consists of indigestible fibrous food materials. It is required by the body for easy bowel movement, but not as a source of energy or material for body growth. It is primarily found in plants as cellulose in the cell wall of plant parts such as fruits, leaves, seeds, etc. Proteins are bodybuilding foods. Vitamins and minerals are protective foods.

Q7. Vegetables and fruits are good sources of

(a) minerals

(b) vitamins and fats

(c) carbohydrates and proteins

(d) carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals

Answer: (d)

Explanation: Vegetables and fruits are good sources of carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. They are an important part of a healthy diet.

Q8. Which of the following functions is not performed by fats?

(a) Insulation

(b) Storage of energy

(c) Hormone synthesis

(d) Absorption of vitamins B complex and C

Answer: (d)

Explanation: Fats are lipid molecules consisting of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. They are the richest source of energy and can be stored in the body for future use. Subcutaneous fats act as an insulator of heat. Fats help in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins such as A, D, E and K, but not of water-soluble vitamins such as B complex and C. They act as a precursor of various hormones and help in the synthesis of vitamin D.

Q9. Which of the following conditions would cause obesity in a child?

(a) Cycling once a week

(b) Going out on a picnic rarely

(c) Eating whole-grain biscuits and snacks

(d) Sitting on sofa daily for hours reading favourite books

Answer: (d)

Explanation: There are various causes of obesity, such as overeating, insufficient exercise, hormonal imbalance, continuously sitting in one place but not doing any physical activity, etc.

Q0. Which of the following characteristics of things decide whether they will float on or sink in water?

(a) Size and volume

(b) Size and texture

(c) Mass and texture

(d) Mass and volume

Answer: (d)

Explanation: The ratio of mass and volume is a physical quantity, which is called density. The density decides whether things will float or sink. Things denser than water sink into it and lighter than water float on it. Size and texture do not decide whether the things will float or sink.

Q11. Which of the following statements is incorrect about Changpas?

(a) They live in tents.

(b) The only treasures of Changpas are their goats.

(c) They keep their goats in a shelter made of stones.

(d) They graze their goats at lower altitudes with moderate temperatures.

Answer: (d)

Explanation: Changpas are a tribe of mountains in Ladakh and Jammu and Kashmir. They rear goats for milk, meat, skin and hair. The hairs of goats are used to make wool Pashmina shawls. Goats are grazed on high mountains in a very cold climate to get the best quality of hair (softer and finer hair) from their body. Goats live in a shelter called Lekha, made of stones.

Q12. Brass is an alloy made of

(a) aluminium and iron

(b) silver and copper

(c) copper and zinc

(d) lead and tin

Answer: (c)

Explanation: Brass is an alloy made of copper and zinc. It is used for decoration, electrical appliances, musical instruments, etc.

Q13. What happened in Kutch on 26th January 2001?

(a) Flood

(b) Earthquake

(c) Bomb blast

(d) Gas leakage

Answer: (b)

Explanation: Kutch is a place in Gujarat. Many parts of Gujarat were severely affected by a serious earthquake on 26th January 2001. More than a thousand people died in this earthquake.

Q14. What kind of dresses do people wear in areas like Abu Dhabi?

(a) Tight fitting cotton clothes

(b) Lose fitting cotton clothes

(c) Mixed fibre loose-fitting clothes

(d) Mixed fibre tight-fitting clothes

Answer: (b)

Explanation: Abu Dhabi is a hot desert area. People wear loose-fitting cotton clothes and remain fully covered even at the head to protect themselves from the heat of the sun.

Q15. Pochampalli is a special cloth (Sari) weaved by people in Mukhtapur village of district Pochampalli in

(a) Uttar Pradesh

(b) Andhra Pradesh

(c) Madhya Pradesh

(d) Himachal Pradesh

Answer: (b)

Explanation: Pochampalli is a district in Andhra Pradesh. Pochampalli saris weaved by the people of this district are popular for their traditional geometric patterns of dyeing.

Q16. Which of the following responses of a student shows that he has achieved a good level of indicator of observation and recording?

(a) Giving reasons behind the spoilage of food

(b) Drawing and labelling different parts of a bicycle

(c) Making pots and different ornaments with clay

(d) Expressing his opinions on pumping out of water

Answer: (b)

Explanation: Under the indicator of observation and recording, a child can report, narrate, draw and label CCE pictures, make tables and maps, etc.

Q17. Some groups related to school education are listed below:

I. Children and teachers
II. Administrators and parents
III. Teachers and parents
IV. Administrators and children

Which of the following groups is responsible for implementing CCE?

(a) I and II

(b) only III

(c) only II

(d) only IV

Answer: (a)

Explanation: The implementation of guidelines is not the sole responsibility of a teacher. It is the collective responsibility of children, teachers, administrators and parents.

Q18. Soha is a class III student. She takes responsibility for her group during group activities. Which of the following actions of Soha does not show the achievement of cooperation indicator in her?

(a) Planning work for herself and other group members

(b) Taking turns to coordinate and share in the group

(c) Making rules for the implementation of her decisions in a group

(d) Ability to negotiate differences and quarrels among group members

Answer: (c)

Explanation: A child leading a group should take decisions/initiatives collectively and make rules only for the better functioning of a group, but not for implementing his own decisions.

Q19. Alka wants to make the students of class V understand the problem of loans and debts faced by farmers. Which of the following teaching methodologies should have been planned by her for the same?

(a) Role-play activities

(b) Lecture method

(c) Puzzles

(d) Flashcards

Answer: (a)

Explanation: Role-play activities ensure the active participation of students that will foster a high level of energy and enthusiasm in the learning environment. In order to make students understand social issues such as the condition of farmers due to heavy loans and debts, it is better to let them perform the role of farmers and Mukadam (an agent who gives loans). It enables students to easily understand the condition of farmers and also to express concern for them.

Q20. A teacher in a class asked the students to make groups of 5 students each and asked each group to bring the following things: Lemon, steel plate, plastic cap of a bottle and a bottle, aluminium foil (in three shapes – open and spread out, pressed tightly into a ball and cup-like shape), a piece of ice, iron nails and a medium-sized container full of water. The next day, she instructed each group to put things one by one into a container full of water and observe the results. What should be the primary motive of the teacher behind this activity?

(a) Enabling students to memorise a lot of materials quickly

(b) Increasing the categorisation power of students

(c) Bringing fun in monotonous routine periods

(d) Bringing hands-on experience

Answer: (d)

Explanation: Hands-on experience is one of the objectives of teaching EVS. It results in an increase in the process of scientific thinking in students. It involves prior imagination followed by experimentation and logical deduction.

Q21. Gifted students have a special top-level in

(a) Curiosity

(b) Creativity

(c) Expression

(d) All of these

Answer: (d)

Explanation: Gifted students have in-built power to be very good in creativity, curiosity, expression, etc.

Q22. According to the inclusive education system, education of

(a) the children with special needs should be provided by special teachers in special schools

(b) all students studying in a similar class in different schools should be the same

(c) all students under different boards should be conducted with the same curriculum

(d) children with special needs should be arranged with normal children

Answer: (d)

Explanation: Inclusive education system aims to meet special educational needs by allowing disabled students to learn in the company of non-disabled students.

Q23. If a child after watching an advertisement on ‘prevention of dengue’ raises a question that why does a dengue mosquito need clean water for its breeding, then it shows that

(a) the child has been encouraged to be curious

(b) the advertisement is incomplete in information

(c) the advertisement is beyond of child’s under­ standing

(d) the child doesn’t want to follow the prevention rules and is just covering it up by asking the question

Answer: (a)

Explanation: Children are naturally curious and should be encouraged for the same. They must be encouraged to critically read advertisements and posters and pose questions. They must think about good questions, rather than only answering the questions asked by adults.

Q24. Nalini finds a student in a class who shows aggressive behaviour most of the time. It is a sign that the child is

(a) trying to catch the attention

(b) aggressive by nature

(c) hyperactive

(d) under stress

Answer: (d)

Explanation: According to recent research, a stressed student believes that by showing aggression in the class, he can overcome the stress-causing factor. In this case, the teacher should discuss the case with his colleagues, the principal or counsellors for suggestions to help that student. Approaching the student with a concerned attitude can also make an instant impact on his behaviour or performance.

Q25. If a student in class V mimics the voices of birds heard in mountains in his last summer holidays, then he is said to be good at

(a) Curiosity

(b) Predicting

(c) Expressing

(d) Improvising

Answer: (c)

Explanation: Under the indicator of expression, a child is able to express what he hears or reads about something through drama, enactments and mimicry. He can write creatively with imagination and make small things with materials such as clay.

Q26. While performing experiments with water, Hamid predicted that an empty steel plate would float but a small iron nail would sink in water. This indicates that he is good in

(a) Experimenting

(b) Analysing

(c) Expressing

(d) Classifying

Answer: (b)

Explanation: Under the indicator of analysing, a child can predict and make hypotheses about different situations. If the child before starting any activity can predict and make a hypothesis, then he is said to be good in his analysing power.

Q27. Which of the following is not a component of 5 Es?

(a) Engage

(b) Explore

(c) Explain

(d) Estimate

Answer: (d)

Explanation: The 5 Es is an instructional model of learning science following the constructivist approach. Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate and Evaluate are five important Es in this model of learning.

Q28. Which is the first step in preparing a question paper?

(a) Preparing the design

(b) Writing the questions

(c) Preparing the blueprint

(d) Writing the marking scheme

Answer: (a)

Explanation: The proper sequence of preparing a question paper is – preparing the design, preparing the blueprint, writing the questions, editing the question paper and finally writing the marking scheme.

Q29. Which of the following are not the components of EVS textbooks?

(a) Fun with colours, riddles and puzzles

(b) Poems, real-life stories and experiences of people

(c) Good number of practice questions and definitions

(d) Survey, Think and Tell, Discuss, Imagine and Write, Do this and Find Out types of sections

Answer: (c)

Explanation: EVS textbooks do not focus on providing more questions and definitions. A textbook whose content is elaborate, interesting with appropriate details and figures is required at the primary level. EVS textbooks have various sections on the fun with colours, riddles and puzzles, Do this and Find out, etc. These sections promote thinking, observation, problem-solving skills, etc. in the students.

Q30. The purpose of asking ‘If the earth is round like a globe, how is it that we do not fall off?’ from students is to

(a) promote imaginative and thinking skills of students

(b) assess students on knowledge about the earth

(c) make students understand the shape of the earth

(d) promote the practical skills in students

Answer: (a)

Explanation: The purpose of asking such questions is to promote imaginative and thinking skills in students while they get involved in exploring the answers for these questions.

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