CTET July 2013 Question Paper-1


CTET July 2013 Question Paper-1 with Answer

Child DevelopmentMathematicsEVSLanguage – I (Eng)Language – II (Hindi)


Directions: Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate option.

Q1. The following three aspects of intelligence are dealt by Sternberg’s tri-archaic theory except

(a) componential

(b) social

(d) contextual

(c) experiential

 Answer: (b) social

Q2. Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligence emphasizes

(a) general intelligence

(b) common abilities required in school

(c) the unique abilities of each individual

(d) conditioning skills in students

 Answer: (c) the unique abilities of each individual

Q3. The sounds th, ph, ch are

(b) Graphemes

(a) Morphemes

(c) Lexemes

(d) Phonemes

 Answer: (d) Phonemes

Q4. In order to avoid gender stereotyping in class, a teacher should

(a) try to put both boys and girls in non-traditional roles.

(b) appreciate students’ good work by saying ‘good girl’ or ‘good boy

(c) discourage girl from taking part in wrestling.

(d) encourage boys to take risk and be bold.

 Answer: (a) try to put both boys and girls in non-traditional roles.

Q5. Schools should cater to Individual differences to

(a) narrow the gap between individual students.

(b) even out abilities and performance of students.

(c) understand why students are able or unable to learn.

(d) make individual students feel exclusive.

 Answer: (c) understand why students are able or unable to learn.

[ Download : 2011 to 2019 CTET Previous Year Questions in English and Hindi ]

Q6. What kind of support can a school provide to address the individual differences in students?

(a) Follow a child-centered curriculum and provide multiple learning opportunities to students

(b) Apply every possible measure to remove the individual differences in students

(c) Refer slow learners to special schools

(d) Follow same level of curriculum for all students

 Answer: (a) Follow a child-centered curriculum and provide multiple learning opportunities to students

Q7. Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation emphasizes

(a) continuous testing on a comprehensive scale to ensure learning.

(b) how learning can be observed, recorded and improved upon

(c) fine-tuning of tests with the teaching.

(d) redundancy of the Board examination.

 Answer: (b) how learning can be observed, recorded and improved upon

Q8. School Based Assessment

(a) Dilutes the accountability of Boards of Education.

(b) Hinders achieving Universal National Standards.

(c) Helps all students learn more through diagnosis.

(d) Makes students and teachers non serious and casual.

 Answer: (c) Helps all students learn more through diagnosis.

Q9. “Readiness for learning” refers to

(a) general ability level of students

(b) present cognitive level of students in the learning continuum

(c) satisfying nature of the act of learning

(d) Thorndike’s Law of Readiness

 Answer: (b) present cognitive level of students in the learning continuum

Q10. A teacher has some physically challenged children in her class. Which of the following would be appropriate for her

(a) Wheel-chaired bound children may take help of their peers in going to hall

(b) Physically inconvenienced children may do an alternative activity in the classroom.

(c) Mohan why don’t you use your crutches to go to the playground

(d) Polio afflicted children will now present a song.

 Answer: (c) Mohan why don’t you use your crutches to go to the playground

Q11. Learning disabilities may occur due to all of the following

(a) Cerebral dysfunction

(b) Emotional disturbance

(c) Behavioral disturbance

(d) Cultural factors

 Answer: (d) Cultural factors

Q12. An inclusive school.

(a) Is committed to improve the learning outcomes of all students irrespective of their capabilities

(b) Differentiate between students and sets less challenging achievement targets for specially abled children

(c) Committed particularly to improve the learning outcomes of specially abled students

(d) Decides learning heeds of students according to their disability

 Answer: (a) Is committed to improve the learning outcomes of all students irrespective of their capabilities

Q13. Gifted students

(a) Need support not ordinarily provided by the school

(b) Can manage their studies without a teacher

(c) Can be good models for other students

(d) Cannot be learning disabled

 Answer: (a) Need support not ordinarily provided by the school

Q14. Giftedness is due to

(a) Genetic makeup

(b) Environmental motivation

(c) Combination of (a) and (b)

(d) Psychosocial factors

 Answer: (c) Combination of (a) and (b)

Q15. Which of the following is appropriate for environment conducive to thinking and learning in children?

(a) Passive listening for long periods of time

(b) Home assignments given frequently

(c) Individual tasks done by the learners

(d) allowing students to take some decisions about what to learn and how to learn

 Answer: (d) allowing students to take some decisions about what to learn and how to learn

Q16. Learning Disability in motor skills is called

(a) Dyspraxia

(b) Dyscalculia

(c) Dyslexia

(d) Dysphasia

 Answer: (a) Dyspraxia

Q17. Learning Disability

(a) is a stable state

(b) is a variable state

(c) need not impair functioning

(d) does not improve with appropriate input

 Answer: (b) is a variable state

Q18. The following are the steps in the process of problem solving

(a) Identification of a problem

(b) Breaking down the problem into smaller pans

(c) Explore possible strategies

(d) Anticipate outcomes

 Answer: (b) Breaking down the problem into smaller pans

Q19. A teacher should

(a) treat errors committed by students as blunders take serious note of each error

(b) measure success as the number of times students avoid making mistakes

(c) not correct students while they are trying to communicate ideas

(d) focus more on lecturing and provide a foundation for knowledge

 Answer: (c) not correct students while they are trying to communicate ideas

Q20. Seema is desperate to score A+ grade in an examination. As she enters the examination hall and the examination begins. she becomes extremely nervous. Her feet go cold. her heart starts pounding and she is unable to answer properly. The primary reason for this is that

(a) she may not be very confident about her preparation

(b) she may be thinking excessively about the result of this examination

(c) invigilator teacher on duty may be her class teacher and she is of very strict nature

(d) she may not be able to deal with sudden emotional outburst

 Answer: (d) she may not be able to deal with sudden emotional outburst

[ Solution : 2011 to 2019 CTET Previous Year Questions  ]

Q21. Which of the following cognitive verbs are used to analyze the information given?

(a) Identify

(b) Differentiate

(c) Classify

(d) Describe

 Answer: (b) Differentiate

Q22. Rajesh is a voracious reader. Apart from studying his course books, he often goes to library and reads books on diverse topics. Rajesh does his project even in the lunch break. He does not need prompting by his teachers or parents to study for tests and seems to truly enjoy learning. He can be hest described as a(n)

(a) fact-centered learner

(b) teacher motivated learner

(c) assessment-centered learner

(d) intrinsically motivated learner

 Answer: (d) intrinsically motivated learner

Q23. Children in pre-primary get satisfaction from being allowed to discover. They become distressed, when they are discouraged. They do so due to their motivation to

(a) reduce their ignorance

(b) affiliate with the class

(c) create disorder in the class

(d) exercise their power

 Answer: (a) reduce their ignorance

Q24. Understanding Human Growth and Development enables a teacher to

(a) gain control of learners’ emotions while teaching

(b) be clear about teaching diverse learners

(c) tell students how they can improve their lives

(d) practice her teaching in an unbiased way

 Answer: (b) be clear about teaching diverse learners

Q25. Which one of the following is true?

(a) Development and learning are unaffected by socio-cultural contexts

(b) Students learn only in a certain way

(c) Play is significant for cognition and social competence

(d) Questioning by teacher constrains cognitive

 Answer: (c) Play is significant for cognition and social competence

Q26. Which one of the following is true about the role of heredity and environment in the development of a child?

(a) The relative contributions of peers and genes are not additive

(b) Heredity and environment do not operate together

(c) Propensity is related to environment while actual development requires heredity

(d) Both heredity and environment contribute 50% each in the development of a child

 Answer: (a) The relative contributions of peers and genes are not additive

Q27. Socialization is

(a) Rapport between teacher and taught

(b) Process of modernization of society

(c) Adaptation of social norms

(d) Change in social norms

 Answer: (c) Adaptation of social norms

Q28. A PT Teacher wants her students to improve fielding in the game of cricket. Which one of the following strategies will best help his students achieve that goal ?

(a) Tell students how important it is for them to learn field.

(b) Explain the logic behind good fielding and rate of success

(c) Demonstrate fielding while students observe

(d) Give students a lot of practice in fielding

Answer: (d) Give students a lot of practice in fielding

Q29. A teacher wishes to help her students to appreciate multiple views of a situation. She provides her students multiple opportunities to debate on this situation in different groups. According to Vygotsky’s perspective, her students ……….. will various views and develop multiple perspectives of the situation on their own

(a) internalize

(b) construct

(c) operationalize

(d) rationalize

 Answer: (a) internalize

Q30. Sita has learned to eat rice and dal with her hand. When she is given dal and rice, she mixes rice and dal and starts eating. She has ………… eating rice and dal into her schema for doing things.

(a) Accommodated

(b) Assimilated

(c) Appropriated

(d) Initiated

 Answer: (b) Assimilated


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