Quiz-7: EVS and Pedagogy MCQ Question with Answer

EVS and Pedagogy MCQ Question with Answer

Directions (Q 1–30): Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate option.

Q1. A plant X stores water in its trunk. People used to put a thin pipe in its trunk to get water in times of water scarcity. X is a

(a) Coconut

(b) Desert oak

(c) Eucalyptus

(d) Banyan tree

Answer: (b)

Explanation: Desert oak is found in the desert regions of Australia. It has long roots that go deep into the ground till they reach the water. The depth of these roots is about 30 times the height of the tree. A good amount of water collected by its roots is stored in its trunk. People use this water by putting a thin pipe into the trunk when there is a scarcity of water in the desert.

Q2. In the first figure, a 24-hour clock is shown. The second and third figures show the sleeping times of two animals P and Q by shaded portions:

Evs and Pedagogy quiz-7_q62

Which of the following statements is correct for P and Q?

(a) P sleeps 5 times less than Q

(b) Q sleeps 30% more than P

(c) P sleeps 3 times more than Q

(d) P sleeps for 4 hours while Q sleeps for 18 hours

Answer: (d)

Explanation: In each figure, one part is equal to 2 hours.

So, the sleeping time of P is 4 hours (2 × 2 = 4) and Q is 18 hours (9 × 2 = 18).

Q3. Which of the following is not an appropriate way of conservation of trees?

(a) Every deforestation immediately followed by a forestation

(b) Slogan writing and poster making to be used in localities

(c) Holding discussion at the local community level

(d) Making a law against cutting of trees

Answer: (a)

Explanation: Deforestation means the cutting of trees on a large scale. ‘Every deforestation immediately followed by a forestation’ is not a solution to the problems created by deforestation. It takes a few hours to cut trees but takes many years for their growth.

Q4. Which of the following traits is solely contributed by the environment, but not inherited?

(a) Blood group

(b) Quality of hair

(c) Colour blindness

(d) Skills of communication

Answer: (d)

Explanation: There are many traits that we inherit from our parents. These are known as genetic traits. For example, the colour of skin, quality of hair, blood group, colour blindness, etc. Communication and writing skills, language, etc. are learned from the environment.

Q5. Which of the following plants is not an evergreen plant?

(a) Pine

(b) Chir

(c) Cedar

(d) Maple

Answer: (d)

Explanation: Maples are a type of tree or shrubs. Most of them are deciduous. Deciduous plants shed their leaves once a year. They are found in Europe, North America, etc. Chir, pine and cedar are evergreen plants. They are found in cool and high altitude areas such as Sweden, Canada, etc.

Q6. Read the following diseases and their types:

I. Diphtheria: Deficiency disease
II. Dengue: Infectious disease
III. Kwashiorkor: Infectious disease
IV. Marasmus: Deficiency disease

Which of the following is incorrect?

(a) I and II

(b) I and III

(c) II and III

(d) II and IV

Answer: (b)

Explanation: Diphtheria is an infectious disease caused by Corynebacterium diphtheria. It is characterised by sore throat, skin ulcers, etc. Kwashiorkor is severe malnutrition in children resulting from a diet low in protein and high in carbohydrates.

Q7. We should always eat foods which are good in

(a) Taste and aroma

(b) Hygiene and nutrients

(c) Amount of oils and fats

(d) Colours and condiments

Answer: (b)

Explanation: We should always eat hygienic and nutritious foods. A healthy diet is good for our mind as well as our body.

Q8. In order to cure anaemia, it is important to eat food items rich in

(a) Vitamin A

(b) Vitamin C

(c) Vitamin B9

(d) Vitamin B12

Answer: (d)

Explanation: Food items rich in Vitamin B12 and iron are essential to cure anaemia. For example, green leafy vegetables, amla, apple, banana, meat, liver, eggs, fish, milk, etc. In anaemia, respiratory pigment (haemoglobin) is not properly formed due to the deficiency of iron and Vitamin B12.

Q9. Which of the following is a healthy cooking practice?

(a) Adding more spices in the food to get good taste and aroma

(b) Throwing away excess water in which rice or cereals are cooked

(c) Washing vegetables before cooking them

(d) Overcook the food

Answer: (c)

Explanation: Washing vegetables before cooking them is a good practice to remove dirt and pesticides. We should not throw away the excess water in which rice or cereals are cooked as it contains nutrients. We should not overcook the food as it will destroy the nutrients in it.

Q10. Which of the following issues are faced by people for getting water in India?

I. Building dams
II. Caste discrimination
III. Buying water for drinking
IV. Standing in a long queue to get water from the tanker

(a) II, III and IV

(b) I, II and III

(c) II and IV

(d) I and IV

Answer: (a)

Explanation: Building dams is not an issue related to the scarcity of water. Dams are built for conserving water and making electricity. Different problems faced by people in India are buying drinking water, unequal distribution of water, caste discrimination, etc.

Q11. Coffee beans were introduced in India from

(a) South America

(b) Australia

(c) Europe

(d) Africa

Answer: (d)

Explanation: Coffee beans were introduced in India from Africa. A coffee bean is a seed of the coffee plant. It is used to make coffee.

Q12. Which of the following constitutes an important part of ecotourism?

(a) Zoo

(b) Orchards

(c) National parks

(d) Botanical gardens

Answer: (c)

Explanation: Ecotourism involves visiting undisturbed natural areas such as national parks. Its main purposes are maximising environmental (including biodiversity) and social benefits of tourism, along with helping in the economic growth of the country.

Q13. Madhubani is a special type of painting that shows human beings, flowers, birds, animals, etc. These paintings are made of special colours mixed in the paste of

(a) Rice

(b) Sandalwood

(c) Plaster of Paris

(d) Groundnut shell powder

Answer: (a)

Explanation: Madhubani is a very old and beautiful form of painting. It is practised in Madhubani in Bihar. These paintings are made of special colours (flowers, Haldi, Neel, etc.) mixed in the paste of rice. They are specially made during festivals by the people of Madhubani on the walls of their houses and courtyards.

Q14. Name the currency of the place located in the desert where water is costlier than petrol.

(a) Euro

(b) Taka

(c) Dollar

(d) Dirham

Answer: (d)

Explanation: Abu Dhabi is the capital of UAE and its currency is Dirham. It is located in the desert area where water is costlier than petrol.

Q15. Sunderlal Bahuguna was famous for the

(a) Chipko Movement

(b) Appiko Movement

(c) Save Silent Valley

(d) Narmada Bachao Andolan

Answer: (a)

Explanation: Sunderlal Bahuguna was famous for the Chipko movement. It was started in 1970 to save cutting down of trees in the Tehri-Garhwal district of Uttarakhand.

Q16. In a child-centred approach, the process of transfer of knowledge is

(a) active

(b) Passive

(c) rote-based

(d) memorisation-based

Answer: (a)

Explanation: In a child-centred approach, the transfer of knowledge is not passive. The teacher allows students to discover by themselves through active participation in educational activities. Rote learning or learning by memorisation cannot be the focus of the child-centred approach of learning.

Q17. CCE is an approach that aims at assessing the overall development of a student at regular intervals of his academic session. If a student faces some learning difficulties, then the evaluation approach is accompanied by

(a) Easy testing procedures

(b) Shifting learning to rote method

(c) Providing proper remedial measures

(d) Taking strict actions against the student

Answer: (c)

Explanation: CCE provides enough scope for promoting and assessing the all­ round development of a child on a continuous basis. If a student faces some learning difficulties, then the evaluation approach also employs proper remedial measures.

Q18. The concept of continuous in CCE focuses on

(a) Assessing some of the students all the time

(b) Irregular and long-form assessments

(c) Regular and frequent assessment of students

(d) Assessing all the students on all indicators

Answer: (c)

Explanation: The concept of continuous in CCE refers to regularity in assessment. The development of a student is a continuous process. Therefore, students can be evaluated regularly. Assessing all the students all the time on all indicators is not required and is also not possible.

Q19. Which of the following does not represent the benefit of keeping indicators of learning in mind?

(a) Achieving the objective of learning

(b) Achieving the same level of learning in all students

(c) Basis for the design of testing activities and questions

(d) Reference points for understanding the progress of the child by parents, children and other authorities

Answer: (b)

Explanation: Achieving the same level of learning in all students is not feasible. The level of learning achieved by students differs as the cognitive level differs from individual to individual. The indicators of learning help in achieving the objectives of learning a subject. They are the basis for the design of assessment questions and activities. They also serve as the reference point for understanding the progress of the child by parents, children and other authorities.

Q20. A teacher drafts a question for a class test – What are the advantages and disadvantages of friction? Which type of question is it?

(a) Applying

(b) Evaluating

(c) Remembering

(d) Understanding

Answer: (b)

Explanation: It is a type of evaluating question. These questions help the student to develop opinions. They are also called judging, assessing, measuring and justifying types of questions.

Q21. Which of the following activities absolutely illustrates individual differences among students?

(a) Students getting different marks in exams

(b) Students voting for different prefects in their schools

(c) Students bringing different types of food in their lunch

(d) Some students follow the rote learning method, whereas some follow discussion and brainstorming

Answer: (d)

Explanation: Students show individual differences at the level of their intelligence quotient, memorising ability, learning, etc. Different students learn by different methods.

Q22. Which of the following is not the objective of teaching environmental studies to children at the primary level?

(a) Building their creative, observational and inventive faculties through activities

(b) Making them understand simple graphs, maps, flowcharts and statistical tables

(c) Connecting them to the natural and socio-cultural environment

(d) Achieving success in assessments

Answer: (d)

Explanation: Achieving success in assessments should not be an objective of teaching environmental studies to children at the primary level. For all­ round development of students, attention should be focused on many aspects such as building their creative, observational and inventive faculties through activities, connecting them to the natural and socio-cultural environment, etc.

Q23. Which of the following learning experiences will be more effective in making students aware of problems of discrimination in a society on the basis of castes and gender?

(a) Slogan writing

(b) Textbook reading

(c) Organising special lectures on problems of society

(d) Assigning a group project to collect related information from their colonies/localities

Answer: (d)

Explanation: Students will get more exposure to the problems in society through project work. The project work will provide students with the opportunity to explore and observe the present conditions of society.

Q24. Divergent thinking in a child leads to

(a) Generation of creative ideas

(b) Suppression of expression

(c) Modification of behaviour

(d) Building of memory

Answer: (a)

Explanation: Divergent thinking generates creative ideas by exploring many possible solutions through careful analysis. It is usually associated with free-flowing thought and sharing of ideas.

Q25. What is the motive of the parent-teacher meeting?

(a) Complaining about a problem of a child

(b) Sharing of weaknesses and strengths of a child

(c) Knowing about the background of a child

(d) Bringing in the notice the facilities provided in the school

Answer: (b)

Explanation: Periodic parent-teacher interactions are a way to discuss a student’s strengths as well as weaknesses. In this interaction between the parents and teacher, the focus of the discussion is the student and his performance in the class.

Q26. Which of the following is the most appropriate learning experience to develop sensitivity to the issue of ‘untouchability’ in students at the primary stage?

(a) Organising lectures on the related issue

(b) Counting the causes of untouchability

(c) Discussing news related to the issue in the class

(d) Asking students to write slogans or prepare posters on the issue

Answer: (c)

Explanation: Discussions stimulate critical thinking. While discussing news on the issue of untouchability, a teacher gives a chance to students to think deeply and develop sensitivity on that issue and express their ideas clearly.

Q27. An EVS teacher makes use of different techniques to teach different topics in the chapter ‘The Plant Fairy’. She asks students in a field trip to observe the size, colour and texture of trunks; collect different types of leaves in groups; discuss shapes, colour, size, texture and aroma of leaves; find out and discuss the uses of plants in the surroundings. Which of the following things should a teacher not encourage while performing such activities?

(a) Children discussing other parts of plants during their observation

(b) Children recording the observation in local language

(c) Children memorising the names of plants

(d) Children assisting the members of their groups

Answer: (c)

Explanation: The learning opportunities provided by the teacher are considered as project or activity-based work. Children should never be encouraged for memorisation or rote learning.

Q28. Which of the following is the best technique to teach the concept of ‘seed germination’ to students?

(a) Showing the chart of seed germination stages

(b) Showing 3D animation of the process of seed germination

(c) Asking students to sow seeds observe different stages and draw them

(d) Asking students to buy a packet of sprouted seeds from vegetable sellers and observe them

Answer: (c)

Explanation: The learning process in science can be conducted best through performing activities, observing and analysing the results. Seed germination is a process in which seeds grow into a plant by passing through stages. So, seed germination can be taught best by asking students to perform an activity of sowing seeds, observing different stages and drawing them.

Q29. The grouping of students for a group project should be done on the basis of

(a) Gender

(b) Marks of students

(c) Roll no. of students

(d) Participation and cooperation of members

Answer: (d)

Explanation: A teacher should ensure cooperation and active participation of all members because group or teamwork develops socio-cultural emotions among students. It also develops teamwork skills among them.

Q30. After teaching a topic on ‘migration of birds’, primary students were taken to the Okhla Bird Sanctuary by their EVS teacher. This helped in

(a) Correlating the knowledge

(b) Memorising the basic concept

(c) Strengthening the student-teacher relationship

(d) Bringing change in routine and monotonous content

Answer: (a)

Explanation: Through field trips, students will understand better and learn more about the topic that has been taught to them in the classroom. They will also be able to properly correlate classroom learning with real-life experiences and situations.

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