CTET July 2013 Question Paper-2


CTET July 2013 Question Paper-2 with Answer

Child DevelopmentMath and ScienceSocial ScienceLanguage-I (Eng)Language-II (Hindi)


Directions: Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate option.

Q1. Which one of the following is a critique of the theory of multiple intelligence?

(a) Multiple intelligence is only the ‘talents’ present in intelligence as a whole.

(b) Multiple intelligence provides students to discover their propensities.

(c) It overemphasizes practical intelligence.

(d) It cannot be supported by empirical evidence at all.

 Answer: (a) Multiple intelligence is only the ‘talents’ present in intelligence as a whole.

Explain: Gardner’s theory has come under criticism from both psychologists and educators. These critics argue that Gardner’s definition of intelligence is too broad and that his eight different “intelligence” simply represent talents, personality traits, and abilities. Gardner’s theory also suffers from a lack of supporting empirical research.

Q2. Which one of the following pairs is least likely to be a correct match?

(a) Children enter in the world with certain knowledge about language – Chomsky

(b) Language and thought are initially two different activities – Vygotsky

(c) Language is contingent on thought – Piaget

(d) Language is a stimulus in environment –  B.F. Skinner

 Answer: (d) Language is a stimulus in the environment –  B.F. Skinner

Explain: Skinner emphasized the drill and practice method for learning because this method is based on the language learning principle – learning by doing. The method stress practical or project work in which students are involved actively.

Q3. Features assigned due to social roles and not due to biological endowment are called

(a) Gender role attitudes

(b) Gender role strain

(c) Gender-role stereotype

(d) Gender role diagnosticity

Answer: (c) Gender-role stereotype

Explain: Features like attitudes, conditions or behaviors that promote stereotyping of social roles based on gender and not due to biological endowment, especially discrimination against women.

Q4. Which of the following will be most appropriate to maximize learning

(a) Teacher should identify her cognitive style as well as of her students’ cognitive style.

(b) Individual differences in students should be smoothed by pairing similar students.

(c) A teacher should focus on only one learning style to bring optimum results.

(d) Students of similar cultural backgrounds should be kept in the same class to avoid differences in opinion.

 Answer: (a) The teacher should identify her cognitive style as well as of her students’ cognitive style.

Explain: A teacher should maximize their learning to identify their cognitive style as well as of their student cognitive style.

Q5. All of the following promote assessment as learning except

(a) telling students to take internal feedback.

(b) generating a safe environment for students to take chances.

(c) tell students to reflect on the topic taught.

(d) testing students as frequently as possible.

 Answer: (d) testing students as frequently as possible.

Explain: Assessment as learning should provide space to the learner to equip himself/herself with knowledge and learning.

[ Download : 2011 to 2019 CTET Previous Year Questions in English and Hindi ]

Q6. When a cook tastes a food during cooking it may be akin to

(a) Assessment of learning

(b) Assessment for learning

(c) Assessment as learning

(d) Assessment and learning

 Answer: (b) Assessment for learning

Explain: When a cook tastes food during cooking, he analyzing their own progress and his success. So, it an assessment for learning.

Q7. Differentiated instruction is

(a) using a variety of groupings to meet student needs.

(b) doing something different for every student in the class

(c) disorderly or undisciplined student activity.

(d) using groups that never change

 Answer: (a) using a variety of groupings to meet student needs.

Explain: Differentiated instruction is an instructional theory that allows teachers to face this challenge by taking diverse student factors into account when planning and delivering instruction. Based on this theory, teachers can structure learning environments that address the variety of learning styles, interests, and abilities found within a classroom.

Q8. In a culturally and linguistically diverse classroom, before deciding whether a student comes under special education category, a teacher should

(a) Not involve parents as parents have their own work

(b) Evaluate student on her/his mother language to establish disability

(c) Use specialized psychologists

(d) Segregate the child to neutralize the environmental factor.

 Answer: (b) Evaluate student on her/his mother language to establish disability

Explain: In a culturally and linguistically diverse classroom, before deciding whether a student comes under the special education category, a teacher should evaluate a student on her/his mother language to establish a disability.

Q9. Learning disabilities may occur due to all of the following except

(a) Teachers way of teaching

(b) Prenatal use of alcohol

(c) Mental Retardation

(d) Meningitis during infancy

 Answer: (a) Teachers way of teaching

Explain: A learning disability is a congenital problem and may also be acquired sometimes. But it has nothing to do with a teacher’s way of teaching.

Q10. An inclusive school reflects on all the following questions except:

(a) Do we believe that all students can learn

(b) Do we work in teams to plan and deliver learning enabling environment

(c) Do we properly segregate special children from normal to provide better care

(d) Do we adopt strategies catering to the diverse needs of students

 Answer: (c) Do we properly segregate special children from normal to provide better care

Explain: In an inclusive school we can’t separate special children from normal children to provide better care because children with special needs expressed a strong desire for inclusive schooling with special attention.

Q11. Gifted students are

(a) Convergent thinkers

(b) Divergent thinkers

(c) Extrovert

(d) Very hard working

 Answer: (b) Divergent thinkers

Explain: Gifted children’s creative problem solving likely stems from their divergent thinking and ability to view things differently.

Q12. The shaded area represents students in a normal distribution who fall

 july 2013 paper-2 q12

(a) At δ = 0

(b) Between 2δ – 3δ

(c) After 3δ

(d) Between δ – 2 δ

 Answer: (c) After 3δ

Q13. Which one of the following pairs would be the most appropriate choice to complete the following sentence? Children ……………… faster when they are involved in the activities that seem to be……………..

(a) Forget; useful in a classroom

(b) Recall; linked with their classwork only

(c) Memorize; culturally neutral

(d) Learn; useful in real life

 Answer: (d) Learn; useful in real life

Explain: Children learn faster when they are involved in activities that seem to be useful in real life.

Q14. CBSE prescribed group activities for students in place of activities for individual students. The idea behind doing so could be

(a) to overcome the negative emotional response to an individual competition which may generalize across learning.

(b) to make it easy for teachers to observe groups instead of individual students.

(c) to rationalize the time available with schools most of which do not have enough time for individual activities.

(d) to reduce the infrastructural cost of the activity.

 Answer: (a) to overcome the negative emotional response to an individual competition which may generalize across learning.

Explain: CBSE prescribed group activities for students in place of activities for individual students to overcome the negative emotional response to an individual competition which may generalize across learning.

Q15. The conclusion ‘Children can learn violent behavior depicted in movies” may be derived on the basis of the work done by which of the following psychologist ‘?

(a) Edward L. Thorndike

(b) J.B. Watson

(c) Albert Bandura

(d) Jean Piaget

 Answer: (c) Albert Bandura

Explain: In social learning theory Albert Bandura states behavior is learned from the environment through the process of observational learning. Children observe the people around them behaving in various ways.

Q16. Students observe fashion shows and try to imitate models. This kind of imitation may be called

(a) Primary simulation

(b) Secondary simulation

(c) Social learning

(d) Generalization

 Answer: (c) Social learning

Explain: According to social learning theory, children are surrounded by many influential models, such as parents within the family, characters on children’s TV, friends within their peer group and teachers at school. These models provide examples of masculine and feminine behavior to observe and imitate.

Q17. If students repeatedly make errors during a lesson, a teacher should

(a) make changes in instruction, tasks, timetable or seating arrangements.

(b) leave the lesson for the time being and come back to it after some time.

(c) identify the erring students and talk to the principal about them.

(d) make erring students stand outside the classroom.

 Answer: (a) make changes in instruction, tasks, timetable or seating arrangements.

Explain: When students make repeated errors during a lesson, we make changes in how we teach (e.g..provide more examples, allow students to practice more), and provide more intensive instruction, tasks timetable or seating arrangements.

Q18. The following are some techniques to manage anxiety due to an approaching examination; except

(a) familiarizing with the pattern of the question paper.

(b) thinking too much about the result.

(c) seeking support.

(d) emphasizing strengths.

 Answer: (b) thinking too much about the result.

Explain: Thinking too much about the examination result is not the right way to manage approaching examination anxiety.

Q19. Bloom’s taxonomy is a hierarchical organization of ………..

(a) achievement goals

(b) curricular declarations

(c) reading skills

(d) cognitive objectives

 Answer: (d) cognitive objectives

Explain: Bloom’s Taxonomy is a hierarchical representation of different types of instructional objectives. It addresses lower-level thinking skills at the bottom tier then progresses to more complex thought processes when ascending to the top. While types of learning are ordered into a hierarchy and knowing, comprehending, and applying may be essential in more higher-order thinking skills.

Q20. Band C is three students studying English. ‘A’ finds it interesting and thinks it will be helpful for her in the future. ‘B’ studies English as she wants to secure the first rank in the class. C’ studies it as she is primarily concerned with secure passing grades. The goals of A, B, and C respectively are

(a) Mastery, Performance, Performance Avoidance

(b) Performance, Performance Avoidance, Mastery

(c) Performance Avoidance, Mastery, Performance

(d) Mastery, Performance Avoidance, Performance

 Answer: (a) Mastery, Performance, Performance Avoidance

Q21. Even though this was clearly in violation of his safety needs, Captain Vikram Batra died fighting in the Kargil War while protecting his country. He might have

(a) sought novel experience.

(b) achieved self-actualization.

(c) ignored his belongingness needs.

(d) wanted to earn a good name to his family.

 Answer: (b) achieved self-actualization.

Explain: Self-actualization refers to the desire for self-fulfillment, namely, to the tendency for him to become actualized in what he is potential. This tendency might be phrased as the desire to become more and more what one is, to become everything that one is capable of becoming.

Q22. Extinction of response is more difficult following

(a) partial reinforcement

(b) continuous reinforcement


(d) verbal reproach

 Answer: (a) partial reinforcement

Q23. Mastery orientation can be encouraged by

(a) focusing on students’ individual effort.

(b) comparing students” successes with each other.

(c) assigning a lot of practice material as home assignments.

(d) taking unexpected tests.

 Answer: (a) focusing on students’ individual effort.

Explain: Mastery orientation can be encouraged by focusing on students’ individual efforts and also through positive parenting techniques and parental involvement in education.

Q24. Which one of the following is correctly matched?

(a) Physical Development – Environment

(b) Cognitive Development – Maturation

(c) Social Development – Environment

(d) Emotional Development – Maturation

 Answer: (c) Social Development – Environment

Q25. All the following facts indicate that a child is emotionally and socially fit in a class except

(a) develop good relationships with peers

(b) concentrate on and persist with challenging tasks

(c) manage both anger and joy effectively

(d) concentrate persistently on competition with peers

 Answer: (d) concentrate persistently on the competition with peers

[ Solution : 2011 to 2019 CTET Previous Year Questions  ]

Q26. Which of the following statements support the role of the environment in the development of a child?

(a) Some students quickly process information while others in the same class do not.

(b) There has been a steady increase in students’ average performance on IQ tests in the last few decades.

(c) Correlation between IQs of identical twins raised in different homes is as high as 0.75.

(d) Physically fit children are often found to be morally good.

 Answer: (b) There has been a steady increase in students’ average performance on IQ tests in last few decades.

Q27. Socialization includes cultural transmission and

(a) discourages rebellion.

(b) the development of individual personality.

(c) tits children into labels.

(d) provides emotional support.

 Answer: (b) the development of individual personality.

Explain: Socialization includes cultural transmission and the development of individual personality.

Q28. A teacher shows two identical glasses filled with an equal amount of juice in them. She empties them in two different glasses one of which is taller and the other one is wider. She asks her class to identify which glass would have more juice in it. Students reply that the taller glass has more juice. Her students have difficulty in dealing with

(a) Accommodation

(b) Egocentrism

(c) Decentring

(d) Reversibility

 Answer: (c) Decentring

Explain: Decentering- Where the child takes into account multiple aspects of a problem to solve it. For example, the child will no longer perceive an exceptionally wide but short cup to contain less than a normally-wide, taller cup.

Q29. Karnail Singh does not pay income tax despite legal procedures and expenses. He thinks that he cannot support a corrupt government that spends millions of rupees in building unnecessary dams. He is probably in which state of Kohlberg’s stages of moral development

(a) Conventional

(b) Post Conventional

(c) Pre Conventional

(d) Para Conventional

 Answer: (b) Post Conventional

Explain: At post conventional stage of moral development, people begin to account for the differing values, opinions and beliefs of other people. Rules of law are important for maintaining a society, but members of the society should agree upon these standards.

Q30. Intelligence theory incorporates the mental processes involved in intelligence (i.e. meta-components) and the varied forms that intelligence can take (i.e. creative intelligence)

(a) Spearman’s ‘g’ factor

(b) Sternberg’s triarchic theory of intelligence

(c) Savant theory of intelligence

(d) Thurstone’s primary mental abilities

 Answer: (b) Sternberg’s triarchic theory of intelligence

Explain: The triarchic theory of intelligence was proposed by Robert Sternberg in 1986.

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