CTET 2011 Question Paper-2 with Answer


CTET 2011 Question Paper-2 with Answer

Child DevelopmentMathematics and ScienceSocial studiesLanguage-I(Eng)Language-II(Hindi)

Q111. Essays or long writing tasks especially on a discursive issue should

(a) help students develop their literacy skills

(b) help students with grammar

(c) help them improve their handwriting

(d) help them discuss different points of view and justify them with illustrative points

 Answer: (d) help them discuss different points of view and justify them with illustrative points

Explain: The motive of long writing tasks is to encourage students to build their ideas in a logical and coherent manner.

Q112. A teacher, Amrita, uses various tasks such as creating charts, graphs, drawing gathering information and presenting them through pairs or group work. This differentiated instruction

(a) helps learners with multiple intelligences perform well and learn better

(b) is a way of demonstrating her own knowledge

(c) only helps bright learners

(d) is the best way to prepare students for an assessment

 Answer: (a) helps learners with multiple intelligences perform well and learn better

Explain: According to Howard Gardener, each student has a unique blend of different types of intelligence and so they learn, understand and perform differently. The technique applied by Amrita will cater to the multiple intelligences of students.

Q113. Using a word bank and brainstorming helps build

(a) vocabulary

(b) ideas

(c) writing skills

(d) reading comprehension

 Answer: (a) vocabulary

Explain: A teacher should brainstorm a list of unfamiliar words to help students build their vocabulary. They may use a dictionary for this purpose to find synonyms, antonyms, etc.

Q114. Gender stereotypes and bias among learners can be discouraged by

(a) enabling all learners to cook and sew irrespective of gender

(b) using textbooks that do not perpetuate such beliefs

(c) creating an open and encouraging atmosphere in a mixed class

(d) pressuring girls to learn cooking

 Answer: (c) creating an open and encouraging atmosphere in a mixed class

Explain: Mixed classes are important to make students understand the need of gender equality. It is the duty of a teacher to create an open environment so that students of both the genders feel at ease and are encouraged to express their views.

Directions (Q. 115-120): Read the poem given below and answer the questions that follow by selecting the most appropriate option.

Common Cold

1. Go hang yourself, you old M.D.!

You shall not sneer at me.

Pick up your hat and stethoscope,

GO wash your mouth with laundry soap:

contemplate a joy exquisite

I’m not paying you for your visit.

I did not call you to be told

My malady is a common cold.

2. By pounding brow and swollen lip;

By fever’s hot and scaly grip;

By those two red redundant eyes

That weep like woeful April skies;

By racking snuffle, snort, and sniff;

By handkerchief after handkerchief;

This cold you wave away as naught

Is the damnedest cold man ever caught!

3. Bacilli swarm within my portals

Such as were ne’er conceived by mortals,

But bred by scientists wise and hoary

In some Olympic laboratory;

Bacteria as large as mice,

With feet of fire and heads of ice

Who never interrupt for slumber

Their stamping elephantine rumba.

Q115. What is the emotion that the poet displays in the first stanza?

(a) Anger

(b) Joy

(c) Jealousy

(d) Sympathy

 Answer: (a) Anger

Explain: In the first stanza, the poet is angry with the doctor for saying that the poet has a common cold.

Q116. Why and at whom does the poet show his emotion?

(a) At an old man because he has sneered at the poet

(b) At a doctor for an incorrect diagnosis of his medical condition

(c) At a friend who is happy at the poet’s plight

(d) At a doctor who has said that the poet merely has a cold

 Answer: (d) At a doctor who has said that the poet merely has a cold

Explain: The poet uses hyperbole while expressing his state to the doctor, who, to the poet’s dismay, had diagnosed him with a common cold.

Q117. The poet describes his eyes as “two red redundant eyes’ because

(a) he cannot see properly due to the cold

(b) they show how furious the poet is

(c) they have been affected by an eye disease

(d) in his medical condition, the poet is imagining things

 Answer: (a) he cannot see properly due to the cold

Explain: The cold has affected the poet’s eyes. His eyes have become red and he is not able to see properly.

Q118. “Bacteria as large as mice’ is an instance of a/an

(a) simile and a hyperbole

(b) metaphor

(c) personification

(d) alliteration

 Answer: (a) simile and a hyperbole

Explain: Simile and hyperbole have been used in the given phrase. Simile the use of ‘as’ or ‘like’ comparing two things and an extreme exaggeration of a point (in this case, bacteria, which is actually a very small thing, is described as big mice).

Q119. ‘Who never interrupt for slumber

Their stamping elephantine rumba’.

The meaning of these lines is that

(a) the bacteria are continuously stamping their elephant-like feet

(b) the cold-causing germs are causing much discomfort and pain to the poet without any break

(c) the bacilli are so active that they refuse to go to sleep

(d) the poet is not able to concentrate on his work due to the raging cold

 Answer: (b) the cold-causing germs are causing much discomfort and pain to the poet without any break

Explain: The poet is in discomfort due to cold. He describes the discomfort and pain caused by the bacteria as elephantine rumba

Q120. The general tone of the poem can be described as

(a) satirical and harsh

(b) ironical and mocking

(c) whimsical and humorous

(d) sad and tragic

 Answer: (a) satirical and harsh

Explain: The poem can be marked by satire, which is the use of humor, irony, ridicule, and exaggeration to criticize something. It has elements of harshness embedded in the tone.


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