Quiz-5: Child Development and Pedagogy MCQ Questions

Child Development and Pedagogy MCQ Questions with Answer

Directions (Q. 1-30): Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate option.

Q1. The ‘insight theory of learning is promoted by

(a) Jean Piaget

(b) Vygotsky

(c) Gestalt theorists

(d) Pavlov


Answer: (c)

Explanation: This theory was propounded by Gestalt psychologists, mainly Wolfgang Kohler, Max Wertheimer, Kurt Koffka et al. They believed that in the learning process of an individual, the whole is more important than its parts. This type of learning demands a logical and creative type of thinking.

Q2. Gifted students

(a) Need support not ordinarily provided by the school

(b) Can manage their studies without a teacher

(c) Can be good models for other students

(d) Cannot be learning-disabled


Answer: (a)

Explanation: Children who are gifted are distinguished by their remarkable intellectual, creative, artistic, and leadership abilities. They excel in specific academic disciplines Therefore, teaching services and learning activities for them should not be the same as those for normal students. Gifted students already have outstanding talents, so supporting them ordinarily will not be of any help. Schools need to tailor special educational programs for such children, which may help them recognize their God’s gifts and use and develop them in the most suitable career areas.

Q3. Which of the following is true about errors committed by children?

(a) Errors can be corrected by children themselves; therefore, a teacher should not immediately correct them.

(b) If a teacher is not able to correct all the errors in a classroom, it indicates that the system of teacher education has failed.

(c) A teacher should not notice every error, otherwise, the syllabus will not be covered.

(d) Correcting every error would take too much time and be tiresome for a teacher.


Answer: (a)

Explanation: If the errors of students are corrected by their teachers, the students will not learn and might repeat the same mistakes. Therefore, the teacher should give enough time to the students and let them rectify their errors by themselves first. Still, if the teacher wants to help, he/she can guide scenario-based examples to the students.

Q4. Which of the following factors supports learning in a classroom?

(a) Increasing the number of tests to motivate children to learn

(b) Supporting the autonomy of children by teachers

(c) Sticking to one particular method of instruction to maintain uniformity

(d) Increasing the time interval of periods from 40 minutes to 50 minutes


Answer: (b)

Explanation: Allowing autonomy in a classroom provides students with an impetus towards students. This allows showing and proving their mettle in learning, which results in long-lasting outcomes in the teaching-learning process.

Q5. At which stage do children believe that rules may be broken in emergencies?

(a) Autonomy-adolescence

(b) Heteronomy-authority

(c) Anomy

(d) Heteronomy-reciprocity


Answer: (a)

Explanation: At the autonomy-adolescence stage, children are responsible for their behavior.

Q6. Which of the following stages is involved when infants “THINK” with their eyes, ears, and hands?

(a) Concrete operational stage

(b) Preoperational stage

(c) Sensorimotor stage

(d) Formal operational stage


Answer: (c)

Explanation: At the sensorimotor stage, an infant utilizes his/her sensory perceptions and motor activities to learn about the surroundings.

Q7. Which of the following theorists would believe that students study hard for their personal growth and development?

(a) Bandura

(b) Maslow

(c) Skinner

(d) Piaget


Answer: (b)

Explanation: Every sincere student wants to obtain the highest marks in his/her class. However, according to child psychology, obtaining the highest marks is a matter of pride and self-esteem among students. In this way, we can say that working hard for one’s personal growth and development is related to Maslow’s “hierarchy of needs. In this theory, five needs motivate an individual to act. These five needs are physiological need, safety need, social need, esteem needs and self-actualisation need.

Q8. In Vygotsky’s theory, which aspect of development gets neglected?

(a) Social

(b) Cultural

(c) Biological

(d) Linguistic


Answer: (c)

Explanation: The child development theory of Lev Vygotsky emphasises the social, cultural and linguistic development of a child. According to him, cognitive development stems from social interactions from guided learning within the zone of proximal development as children and their partners co-construct knowledge.

Q9. Teachers need to create a good classroom environment to facilitate children’s learning. To create such a learning environment, which one of the given statements is not true?

(a) Compliance with teachers

(b) Acceptance of the child

(c) Positive tone of the teacher

(d) Approval of the child’s efforts


Answer: (a)

Explanation: When a teacher accepts children with their strengths and weaknesses, keeps a positive tone and approves of their efforts rather than strictly demanding their compliance to his/her teaching ways, it leads to a favourable environment in the classroom and children learn faster and better.

Q10. Students are naturally motivated to

(a) Seek simple tasks

(b) Explore novelty

(c) Seek continuous struggle

(d) Commit mistakes


Answer: (b)

Explanation: John Dewey believed that a student’s curiosity for innovation should be nurtured with care, and the teacher should provide an opportunity for the learner to explore and be creative.

Q11. Which of the following would least encourage a student who wants to become a highly creative theatre artist?

(a) Try to win the state-level competition that will ensure his scholarship.

(b) Student should develop empathetic, amicable and supportive relationships with his peer theatre artists.

(c) Students should devote their time to those theatrical skills that they finds most enjoyable.

(d) Students should read about the performances of the world’s best theatre artists and try to learn.


Answer: (a)

Explanation: Trying to win the state-level competition that will ensure scholarship would be least pursued by a student who wants to succeed as a highly creative theatre artist. This is because when a learner is internally motivated, his/her cognitive level is away from worldly things. At this stage, the learner tries to gain satisfaction or self-esteem. In psychology, we can relate such kind of behaviour of a learner or an aspirant to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

Q12. All of the following are examples of intelligence tests excluding ___

(a) Stanford-Binet

(b) Wechsler-Binet

(c) Bayley Scales

(d) Rorschach Test


Answer: (c)

Explanation: The Bayley Scales of Infant Development (BSID) is not an intelligence test. It is used to measure the development of language and motor skills in an infant.

Q13. Which one of the following is best suited for the emotional development of children?

(a) No involvement of the teachers as it is the task of the parents

(b) Controlled classroom environment

(c) Authoritarian classroom environment

(d) Democratic classroom environment


Answer: (d)

Explanation: In a democratic classroom environment, students learn by personal interaction with each other. They learn the qualities of teamwork by working in groups. They learn to rely on each other and their emotional development takes place actively.

Q14. Which of the following statements about children’s errors is correct?

(a) Children commit errors when the teacher is lenient and does not punish them for mistakes.

(b) Children’s errors are insignificant to the teacher, and she should just strike out the mistakes and not pay any attention to them.

(c) Children commit errors because they are careless.

(d) Children’s errors are part of the learning process.


Answer: (d)

Explanation: Statement (d) is based on a psychological principle of the trial and error method. According to this method, introduced by E. L. Thorndike, an individual learns new behaviour from his/her errors and practices.

Q15. Motivation, in the process of learning,

(a) Makes learners think unidirectional

(b) Creates interest in learning among young learners

(c) Sharpens the memory of learners

(d) Differentiates new learning from old learning


Answer: (b)

Explanation: Motivation can be defined as a process that directs a learner’s internal energies towards various goals and objectives in his/her environment.

Q16. Children are

(a) Like empty vessels in which knowledge given by adults is filled

(b) Passive beings who can produce exact copies of the information transmitted to them

(c) Curious beings who use their logic and abilities to explore the world around them

(d) adult-like in their thinking, and there is a quantitative increase in their thinking as they grow up


Answer: (c)

Explanation: Most of the theories on child development conclude that children are very creative and imaginative. They have so many ideas and questions in their mind.

Q17. A gene can be defined as

(a) The inner zone of a cell that stocks chromosomes and genes

(b) A threadlike structure having DNA molecules

(c) A section of DNA that comprises coded instructions for a particular protein

(d) A spiral multifaceted molecule that contains genes


Answer: (c)

Explanation: A gene is defined as the basic physical and molecular unit of heredity. It is a section of DNA that comprises the coded instructions for a particular protein.

Q18. Human personality is the result of

(a) Upbringing and education

(b) Interaction between heredity and environment

(c) Only environment

(d) Only heredity


Answer: (b)

Explanation: According to L. Kolb, each individual’s characteristically recurring patterns of behaviour are known as personality. Human personality is the result of interaction between heredity, which involves all those physiological and psychological peculiarities that a person inherits from his/her parents, and environment. On the other hand, the environment is one’s physical and social surroundings. Good food and healthy relationships are part of the environment.

Q19. A child’s notebook shows errors in writing such as reverse images, mirror imaging, etc. Such a child is showing signs of

(a) Learning disability

(b) Learning difficulty

(c) Learning problem

(d) Learning disadvantage


Answer: (a)

Explanation: There are so many types of disorders that affect a child’s learning capacity. Learning disability is one of them. It affects an individual’s ability to understand or use spoken or written language, do mathematical calculations, coordinate movements or direct attention.

Q20. Which would be the best theme to start in a nursery class?

(a) My Neighbourhood

(b) My School

(c) My Family

(d) My Best Friend


Answer: (c)

Explanation: ‘My Family’ will be the best theme to start a nursery class. This is because, at the nursery level, the interaction of a child with his/her family is higher than other options given.

Q21. Suresh plans to go on a picnic with school friends. He discusses the set-out plan with Shyam who does not agree with Suresh. Shyam thinks that the rules can be revised to suit the majority. This kind of peer disagreement according to Planet refers to

(a) Cognitive immaturity

(b) Reaction

(c) Morality of cooperation

(d) Heteronomous morality


Answer: (c)

Explanation: As Shyam wants a decision to be made by the majority, he would seek the cooperation of other students. The morality of cooperation requires an individual to suppress his/her self-interest and equate it with others.

Q22. Which of the following is not a feature of a child-centred thought?

(a) Children are active participants.

(b) Every child is unique.

(c) Every child has a right to education.

(d) Every child makes his/her curriculum.


Answer: (d)

Explanation: Making a curriculum is the prerogative of schools or certain affiliated organisations. However, any curriculum must be made in the best interest of children and what is good for their overall growth.

Q23. The role of heredity and environment in the development of a child can be most appropriately linked to which of the following statements?

(a) The role of the environment can be seen as static, while the control heredity may be changed.

(b) Theories related to behaviorism are largely based on nature.

(c) Heredity and environment affect various areas of human development.

(d) The role of the government in the policy of compensatory judgment is broadly based on the role of nature.


Answer: (c)

Explanation: Heredity affects a person’s appearance, while the environment is behavior and learning.

Q24. Which of the following is a passive agency of socialization?

(a) Health club

(b) Family

(c) Eco club

(d) Public library


Answer: (b)

Explanation: Passive agency of socialization refers to a learning process in which a child learns many things from his/her environment without any special teaching. This type of learning is automatic with the help of the child’s conscious mind. The primary passive agencies of socialization are family, school, and peer groups.

Q25. Which one of the following statements about children would Vygotsky agree with?

(a) Children’s thinking can be understood by conducting laboratory experiments on animals.

(b) Children are born ‘evil’ and need to be controlled by punishment.

(c) Children learn by social interaction with peers and adults.

(d) Children learn when they are offered lucrative rewards.


Answer: (c)

Explanation: In his theory of child development, Lev Vygotsky emphasized the social, cultural, and language development of a child. According to the theory, much important learning by the child occurs through social interaction with a skillful tutor. The gained social skills help children build healthy relationships.

Q26. The achievement motivation of children may be strengthened by

(a) Telling them moral stories

(b) Praising them regardless of their performance

(c) Assigning them a responsibility to handle

(d) Telling them that it is only the scores that matter in getting a decent job


Answer: (b)

Explanation: Appreciation motivates students to perform even better the next time. Therefore, they should be taught to attribute their good grades to their hard work. This will help them realize their capabilities and set their next goals at a higher scale.

Q27. Learning disability in motor skills is called

(a) Dyspraxia

(b) Dyscalculia

(c) Dyslexia

(d) Dysphasia


Answer: (a)

Explanation: Dyspraxia is a kind of disorder in which a child finds difficulty in doing a wide range of physical tasks, such as jumping and gripping things. This disorder is also known as motor learning/planning difficulty.

Q28. Which of the following characteristics is the hallmark of the problem-solving approach?

(a) There is an implicit hint given in the problem statement.

(b) The problem is original.

(c) There is usually one approach to getting the right answer.

(d) The problem is based on only one principle/topic.


Answer: (a)

Explanation: A hint works like an indirect suggestion, which directs the problem-solver towards the right solution or aim.

Q29. Learning disability

(a) Is a stable state

(b) Is a variable state

(c) Need not impair functioning

(d) Does not improve with appropriate input


Answer: (b)

Explanation: Learning disability is a variable state because any type of learning disability can be cured with the help of remedial teaching. Learning disability is therefore not permanent.

Q30. Which of the following is not a sign of an intelligent young child?

(a) One who carries on thinking in an abstract manner

(b) One who can adjust oneself to a new environment

(c) One who can cram long essays very quickly

(d) One who can communicate fluently and appropriately


Answer: (c)

Explanation: A child is supposed to be intelligent if he/she understands the concept rather than cramming or learning by rote.

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