Quiz-4: Child Development and Pedagogy MCQ Question

Child Development and Pedagogy MCQ Question with Answer

Directions (Q. 1-30): Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate option.

Q1. “Development is a never-ending process.” This idea is associated with

(a) The principle of integration

(b) The principle of interaction

(c) The principle of interrelation

(d) The principle of continuity


Answer: (d)

Explanation: According to the principle of continuity, development is a continuous process, and learning is directly related to development.

Q2. Which of the following is not a part of Piaget’s preoperational stage?

(a) Egocentrism

(b) Animism

(c) Irreversibility

(d) Conservation


Answer: (d)

Explanation: Logical thinking is not present in children at the preoperational stage. They develop the ability to do conservation tasks, Such as determining a certain quantity, at the concrete operational stage.

Q3. In a school, preference is given to girls when it comes to a solo dance performance at the state level. This shows

(a) Modern thoughts

(b) Pragmatic approach

(c) Gender bias

(d) Integrity


Answer: (c)

Explanation: The school is gender-biased as it gives preference to girls while the dancers should be selected on the basis of their talent and performance.

Q4. Which of the following is a fine motor skill?

(a) Hopping

(b) Running

(c) Writing

(d) Climbing


Answer: (c)

Explanation: Fine motor skills involve the coordination of small muscle movements for performing a task. Usually, in these skills, eye-hand coordination can be seen. Writing is an example of a fine motor skill.

Q5. A child going to a preschool for the first time cries bitterly. After two years, when the child goes to a primary school for the first time, he does not express his tension by crying; rather, his shoulder and neck muscles become tense. This change in his behaviour can be explained based on which of the following principles?

(a) Development proceeds in a sequential manner.

(b) Development is gradual.

(c) Development is different in different people.

(d) Development is characterised by differentiation and integration.


Answer: (d)

Explanation: Development is characterised by increasing differentiation of functions as well as integration of these functions in larger response patterns. Development is sequential and proceeds from simple to complex. With age, specific behavioural patterns are developed in children, such as expressing tension by tensing up shoulder and neck muscles rather than by crying

Q6. Schools should cater to individual differences to

(a) Narrow the gap between individual students

(b) Even out the abilities and performance of students

(c) Understand why students are able or unable to learn

(d) Make individual students feel exclusive


Answer: (c)

Explanation: Psychologists have defined individual differences in terms of an individual’s traits and interest areas as different from others within the same group or class. Given this, a good school is the one that designs its education system considering the different styles, preferences and rates of learning of its students so that every student feels that his/her learning needs have been catered to

Q7. John Dewey drew inspiration from which psychologist?

(a) Charles Darwin

(b) Eric Erickson

(c) B. F. Skinner

(d) William James


Answer: (d)

Explanation: John Dewey philosopher, psychologist and educational reformer-drew inspiration from William James. Dewey is also regarded as the Father of Progressive Education.

Q8. The nature-nurture debate refers to

(a) Genetics and environment

(b) Behaviour and environment

(c) Environment and biology

(d) Environment and upbringing


Answer: (a)

Explanation: The nature-nurture debate is one of the oldest debates in the field of psychology. Both nature and nurture majorly influence human development. The nature argument holds that genetic and hereditary factors influence one’s physical appearance and personality traits, whereas the nurture argument refers to the impact of environmental variables that include our childhood experiences, social relationships and the surrounding culture.

Q9. Mature students

(a) Believe that emotion has no place in their studies

(b) Easily resolve all their conflicts with intellect

(c) Sometimes need emotional support in their studies

(d) Do not get upset by studies in difficult situations


Answer: (c)

Explanation: Mature students need emotional support in their studies because they typically face issues that often come in the way of their academic commitments. These issues include demands of various life roles; lack of support from family, friends and co-students; isolation due to age; etc.

Q10. Making students the members of a clean community to motivate them for the same reflects

(a) The behaviouristic approach to motivation

(b) The humanistic approach to motivation

(c) The cognitive approach to motivation

(d) The socio-cultural conceptions of motivation


Answer: (d)

Explanation: This relates to Socio-cultural conceptions of motivation. Encouraging students to participate in cleanliness campaigns will educate them about the importance of socialisation and cultural awareness.

Q11. Which one of the following is related to creativity?

(a) Emotional thinking

(b) Egoistic thinking

(c) Divergent thinking

(d) Convergent thinking


Answer: (c)

Explanation: The term ‘divergent thinking’ was introduced by J. P. Guilford. Divergent thinking is a process that is used by an individual to generate effective ideas and explore all possible solutions.

Q12. Which type of education focuses on arts and social science?

(a) Humanistic education

(b) Constructivism education

(c) Montessori education

(d) Progressive education


Answer: (a)

Explanation: Humanistic education by way of arts and social science provides an ethical, social and humanistic framework crucial to child development and academic excellence.

Q13. Which of the following is not related to the infancy period?

(a) Growth occurs from bilateral to unilateral trends in motor organs.

(b) Growth occurs from general to specific trends in motor organs.

(c) Emotional and social development that is not a part of motor development

(d) Steady mental growth


Answer: (c)

Explanation: During the infancy period, a child’s energies are more directed towards the development of motor and mental skills, including sitting, walking, running and understanding.

Q14. Which of the following statements does not represent the characteristics of the early childhood stage?

(a) A child starts learning about different colours, numbers, alphabet, objects, shapes and reasons for every activity.

(b) A child starts gaining competence in various motor skills.

(c) A child starts identifying his/her actual capabilities.

(d) A child starts developing cognitive abilities to perform tasks.


Answer: (d)

Explanation: During the early childhood stage, a child learns the skills that help him/her in doing tasks at the pre-school level.

Q15. Ram has learnt to eat food using his hand. When he is given chapati (or roti) with a dish, he starts eating it by tearing off a piece of chapati, scooping some of the dishes with it and then placing it into his mouth. We can say that he has _________ eating food into his schema.

(a) Initiated

(b) Accommodated

(c) Assimilated

(d) Appropriated


Answer: (c)

Explanation: Assimilation implies the act of taking something in and absorbing it in the present schemas.

Q16. In the context of primary school classrooms, what does active engagement mean?

(a) Memorising, recalling and reciting

(b) Imitating and copying the teacher

(c) Enquiring, questioning and debating

(d) Copying answers given by the teacher


Answer: (c)

Explanation: According to NCF 2005, active engagement involves enquiry, exploration, questioning, debates, application and reflection, leading to theory building and the creation of ideas/positions.

Q17. Which one of the following would be the most effective way of conducting an assessment?

(a) Assessment should be done twice in an academic session at the beginning and at the end.

(b) Assessment should be done by an external agency and not by the teacher.

(c) Assessment should be at the end of the session.

(d) Assessment is an inbuilt process in teaching-learning


Answer: (d)

Explanation: Assessment as an inbuilt process in teaching-learning means that a teacher evaluates his/her students during class teaching from time to time by asking questions. There are two types of assessment: formative and summative.

Q18. Which of the following is not the principle of child development?

(a) All development results from an interaction of maturation and experience.

(b) All development and learning proceed at an equal rate.

(c) All development follows a sequence.

(d) All areas of development are important.


Answer: (b)

Explanation: Development and learning are both lifelong phenomena. However, the rates of their progress differ from each other. These rates depend on the child’s surroundings. Learning is reflected in the modifications in an individual’s behaviour. On the other hand, development refers to both quantitative and qualitative changes in an individual.

Q19. Parents should play a _______ role in the learning process of young children.

(a) Sympathetic

(b) Neutral

(c) Negative

(d) Proactive


Answer: (d)

Explanation: Parents should play a proactive role in the learning process of young children. Thus, parents can provide a strong foundation for their children to develop optimally.

Q20. Cognitive development is supported by

(a) Conducting relevant and well-designed tests as frequently as possible

(b) Presenting activities that reinforce traditional methods

(c) Providing a rich and varied environment

(d) Focusing more on individual activities in comparison to collaboration


Answer: (c)

Explanation: By combining academics with parents’ involvement, community participation and playful activities, the learning environment can be enriched for children’s cognitive development.

Q21. Who gave the stages of moral development of individuals throughout their lifespan?

(a) Piaget

(b) Kohlberg

(c) Vyogtsky

(d) Weber


Answer: (b)

Explanation: Kohlberg’s theory explains a 6- stage model of moral development.

These stages are as follows:

Pre-Conventional Level

Stage 1: Punishment and obedience orientation orientation

Stage II: Reward Conventional Level

Stage III: Good boy/good girl orientation

Stage IV: Maintaining the social order

Post-Conventional Level

Stage V: Social contract orientation

Stage VI: Universal ethical principle orientation

Q22. Which of the following age groups falls under the later childhood category?

(a) 18 to 24 years

(b) Birth to 6 years

(c) 6 to 11 years

(d) 11 to 18 years


Answer: (c)

Explanation: The 6 to 11 years age group falls under the later childhood category. The physical development in this period sets the stage for the upcoming teen years, during which time, boys and girls experience significant mental, emotional and cognitive developments as they mature into full adulthood.

Q23. Aarjav says that language development is influenced by one’s innate predisposition, while Sonall feels that it is because of the environment. This discussion between Aarjav and Sonall is about

(a) Stability and instability argument

(b) Continuous and discontinuous learning

(c) Nature and nurture debate

(d) Critical and sensitive feeling


Answer: (c)

Explanation: This discussion between Aarjav and Sonali is about the nature-nurture debate, according to which, both nature and nurture play significant roles in determining many of our physical and mental aspects, from our weight and height to our intellect and temperament.

Q24. ________ is an act of absorbing something into the present schema

(a) Assimilation

(b) Accommodation

(c) Schema

(d) Stage


Answer: (a)

Explanation: In assimilation, a child uses a new object in the existing schema. For instance, a rattle in the hands of a 5-month-old child would be used as a sucking object.

Q25. What kind of support can a school provide to address Individual differences in students?

(a) Follow a child-centred curriculum and provide multiple learning opportunities to students

(b) Apply every possible measure to remove individual differences in students.

(c) Refer slow learners to special schools

(d) Follow the same level of curriculum for all students


Answer: (a)

Explanation: The School should follow a child-centred approach in teaching. In addition, the learning should be imparted through activities in a child-friendly manner.

Q26. Human development is

(a) Quantitative

(b) Qualitative

(c) Unmeasurable to a certain extent

(d) Both quantitative and qualitative


Answer: (d)

Explanation: Human development is a continuous or progressive process by which quantitative growth (age, weight, length, etc.) and qualitative growth (emotions, habits perceptions, etc.) occur in an individual. In this development process, new abilities and characteristics become manifest, and there occurs a change in the individual’s behaviour. In other words, development can also be described as a growth in the physical, mental and emotional state of the individual. It is a lifelong process.

Q27. For most right-handed people, the left hemisphere of the brain handles

(a) spatial-visual information

(b) Language processing

(c) Emotions

(d) Movement of the left arm


Answer: (b)

Explanation: For most right-handed people, the left hemisphere of the brain handles language processing. The other functions of the body in which the left hemisphere plays a remarkable role are as follows: writing ability, analytical thought, reasoning ability, etc.

Q28. To avoid gender stereotyping in a class, the teacher should

(a) Try to put both boys and girls in non-traditional roles

(b) Appreciate students’ good work by saying ‘good girl or good boy

(c) Discourage girls from taking part in wrestling

(d) Encourage boys to take risks and be bold


Answer: (a)

Explanation: To avoid gender stereotyping in a class, the teacher should make boys and girls exchange their typical roles. For example, boys can be given a cleaning task, whereas girls can be given a lifting task. The teacher can also motivate students in this regard by providing proper counselling to them.

Q29. Adolescents may experience

(a) Feeling of satiation about life

(b) Anxiety and concern about themselves

(c) Feeling of fear about sins committed in childhood

(d) Feeling of self-actualisation


Answer: (d)

Explanation: In adolescence, there is a development leading to a stronger recognition of personal identity and a greater perception of feelings of self-esteem in teens.

Q30. Four distinct stages of children’s intellectual development are identified by

(a) Skinner

(b) Piaget

(c) Kohlberg

(d) Erikson


Answer: (b)

Explanation: According to Piaget, cognitive development takes place in four fundamental stages. Each child has to pass through these stages to reach the next stage of the higher level of cognitive thinking. These four stages are the sensorimotor stage, preoperational stage, concrete operational stage and formal operational stage.

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