Quiz-4:English and Pedagogy MCQ Question with Answer

English and Pedagogy MCQ Questions with Answer

Directions (Q. 1-9): Read the passage given below and answer the questions by selecting the most appropriate option.

It is your duty to train and develop your mind and acquire knowledge, as much knowledge as you possibly can obtain. Knowledge is like a deep well, fed by perennial springs, and your mind is the little bucket that you drop into it: you will get as much as you can assimilate. The brain, which is the physical organ of the mind, is one of the two precious products of the aeons of evolution; the other is the imponderable ‘social instinct’. This wonderful brain, whose every convolution represents millions of years of Time, really distinguishes you from the animals. Many animals have very powerful sense organs; the eagle, the ant and the dog have a keener sense of sight than man. But no animal has a more evolved brain and higher Intelligence. If you do not develop and use this brain to the utmost of your power, you are more akin to the beasts than to Homo-sapiens.

Knowledge and mental self-culture will confer untold blessings upon you. You will not be the victim of superstition and demagogy in religion and politics. You will know your duty and do it. To be wise and independent in your religion and your politics, not to be doped and duped by the selfish priests and the scheming politicians of capitalism and so-called socialism: is this not a noble aim worth striving for? Most men and women today are not free and wise: they are like kites flown by the priests and politicians who hold the string. They are fleeced and fooled on account of their ignorance. Half the ills of man are due to ignorance.

Q1. What, according to the passage, is the duty of human beings?

(a) To study correctly

(b) To acquire knowledge and develop the mind

(c) To make ourselves cultured

(d) To digest knowledge

Answer: (b)

Explanation: According to the passage, our duty is to train and develop our minds and acquire as much knowledge as possible. Knowledge is like a deep well that is fed by perennial springs.

Q2. The mind has been compared to

(a) A bucket

(b) A deep well

(c) A deep sea

(d) A perennial spring

Answer: (a)

Explanation: According to the author, our mind is like a bucket that we drop into the deep well of knowledge.

Q3. For human beings, their brain is one of the two products of evolution. The other is their

(a) Keener sense of sight

(b) Instinct for living in a society

(c) Physical strength

(d) Self-culture and knowledge

Answer: (b)

Explanation: The brain is the physical organ of the mind and is one of the products of evolution, the second being the imponderable social instinct.

Q4. What is a man like if he does not develop and use his brain?

(a) He is akin to motionless statues.

(b) He is like an angel.

(c) He is akin to beasts.

(d) He is greater than gods.

Answer: (c)

Explanation: The writer says that not developing and using our brain to the utmost power makes us more like beasts than Homo sapiens.

Q5. What will knowledge and mental self-culture confer upon man?

(a) Richness of knowledge

(b) Money and material things

(c) Many blessings

(d) Untold miseries

Answer: (c)

Explanation: While expressing the importance of knowledge in our lives, the author says that untold blessings will be conferred upon us if we have the knowledge and mental self-culture. He believes that it is a noble aim worth striving for.

Q6. If one acquires knowledge and develops mental self-culture, one will not be the victim of

(a) Breed

(b) Lust and carnal appetites

(c) Pugnacity

(d) Superstition and demagogy

Answer: (d)

Explanation: According to the passage, man will not be the victim of superstition and demagogy in religion and politics if he has knowledge and self-culture. It is among the many blessings that knowledge and self-culture confer upon man.

Q7. The author implies that most men and women

(a) are arrogant in their behaviour

(b) Lack of social instinct

(c) Do not possess the capacity for free judgement

(d) are manipulated by priests and politicians

Answer: (d)

Explanation: The author believes that man will not be a victim of superstition and demagogy in religion and politics if he has knowledge and self-culture. This implies that most people are manipulated by priests and politicians.

Q8. Pick out a word from the first paragraph that means the same as ‘inexhaustible’.

(a) Aeons

(b) Convolution

(c) Perennial

(d) Imponderable

Answer: (a)

Explanation: “Aeons’ refers to being immeasurable. It is synonymous with “inexhaustible’.

Q9. The word ‘untold’ as used in the second paragraph is

(a) A verb

(b) A noun

(c) An adjective

(d) An adverb

Answer: (c)

Explanation: Here, the word ‘untold’ is used as an adjective that modifies the noun ‘blessings’.

Directions (Q. 10-15): Read the poem given below and answer the questions by selecting the most appropriate option.

Sprinkle, squish between my toes,

The smell of ocean to my nose.

I can feel each grain of sand,

It falls from air into my hand.

The shells I find along the shore,

Picked up by birds that fly and soar.

They sparkle like the ocean’s waves,

And carry sand from all the lakes.

I walk

That’s where my feet leave prints to be.

I walk all the way to the end of the land,

The land that holds this beautiful sand.

……Morgan Swain

Q10. The poem’s central theme is

(a) A factual description of nature

(b) Sharing experiences with nature

(c) A recollection of a visit

(d) An introspection by the writer

Answer: (b)

Explanation: This poem is about the poet’s experience with nature. The words like “smell”, “feel” and “walk” highlight his experience on the seashore.

Q11. Here, “to the end of the land” refers to the

(a) Sealine

(b) Land

(c) Sky

(d) Horizon

Answer: (a)

Explanation: The poet walks as far as it is possible, i.e. “to the end of the land”. Thus, he refers to the sealine.

Q12. Here, “That’s where my feet leave prints to be” means that the writer

(a) Knows that everything is temporary

(b) Relives past visits

(c) Expects to forget the experience

(d) Hopes to remember his visit

Answer: (d)

Explanation: The poet expects to remember his visit by leaving footprints on the sand.

Q13. The phrase in the poem that conveys the same meaning as “along the tip of the sea” is

(a) “Each grain of sand”

(b) “End of the land”

(c) “Air into my hand”

(d) “Like the ocean’s waves”

Answer: (b)

“Along the tip of the sea” is similar in meaning to “end of the land” as both the phrases indicate a place near the sea.

Q14. The poetic device used in the line “They sparkle like the ocean’s waves” is a/an

(a) Hyperbole

(b) Exaggeration

(c) Simile

(d) Allegory

Answer: (c)

Explanation: Simile is the poetic device used here because two distinct things are compared using the word ‘like’.

Q15. A word that can replace ‘squish’ is

(a) Crush

(b) Hold

(c) Scrunch

(d) Trample

Answer: (a)

Explanation: Out of the given words, ‘crush’ can replace the word ‘squish’ when used with the preposition ‘between’.

Directions (Q. 16-20): Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate option.

Q16. The seating arrangement should be flexible in a language classroom because

(a) It reduces the responsibility of the teacher

(b) It helps the teacher in maintaining discipline

(c) It helps learners change their places frequently

(d) It facilitates pair work and group work

Answer: (d)

Explanation: Language classrooms should focus more on being interactive. Group work and discussions help polish language skills through active participation. For this, the seating arrangement should be flexible.

Q17. A reading activity where students focus on phonemic sounds, pronunciation and intonation can be used to assess

(a) Reading accuracy

(b) Inference

(c) Analysis

(d) Literary appreciation

Answer: (a)

Explanation: Apart from developing comprehension skills, a reading activity may focus on fluency, decoding, pronunciation of words and intonation of sentences.

Q18. What is taught is not what is learnt because

(a) A teacher or learner can never fully master any discipline

(b) Students pay attention during an informal discussion

(c) A teacher’s socio-economic level may differ widely from students’

(d) Students possess different abilities, personalities and come from a variety of backgrounds

Answer: (d)

Explanation: Every student has a different learning ability and may construct his/her knowledge differently. The reason for this may also be their varied personalities and backgrounds.

Q19. How many cognitive domains are there in Bloom’s Taxonomy?

(a) Four

(b) Five

(c) Six

(d) Three

Answer: (c)

Explanation: There are six cognitive domains in Bloom’s Taxonomy. These are knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation.

Q20. The curriculum and the teacher’s execution of it should help

(a) The learners become thorough with the curriculum

(b) Enhance the learners’ self-esteem

(c) The learners get good grades

(d) The learners become good communicators

Answer: (d)

Explanation: The purpose of the curriculum of English should be to make the learner proficient in English.

Q21. Language acquisition

(a) Requires the memorization and use of necessary vocabulary

(b) Involves a systematic approach to the analysis and comprehension of grammar as well as to the memorization of vocabulary

(c) Refers to the process of learning a native or second language because of the innate capacity of the human brain

(d) is a technique intended to simulate the environment in which children learn their native language

Answer: (c)

Explanation: Language acquisition is the process of learning a native or second language because of the innate capacity of the human brain. This can be supported by Noam Chomsky’s innateness hypothesis.

Q22. According to NCF 2005, one of the goals for a second-language curriculum is the attainment of such as is acquired in natural language learning.

(a) An average competency

(b) A reasonably high proficiency

(c) A basic proficiency

(d) Acceptable competence

Answer: (c)

Explanation: The goals for the second language curriculum are two-fold: attainment of basic proficiency as is acquired in natural language learning and development of language into an instrument for abstract thought and knowledge acquisition through literacy.

Q23. E-learning refers to

(a) Acquisition of the mother tongue

(b) Learning the English language as the first language.

(c) Use of electronic media and information and communication technologies

(d) A language course for foreign language

Answer: (c)

Explanation: E-learning is the usage of electronic media for acquiring knowledge.

Q24. Formative Assessment of a student’s writing skills could be based on

(a) Group dancing

(b) model-making individually

(c) Scripting a skit in pairs

(d) A formal written test

Answer: (c)

Explanation: Formative assessment assesses a student’s learning during the learning process. This type of assessment could be based on any task a student might do in the class. Writing the script of a skit in pairs could be one such activity.

Q25. Match the table.

EducationistViews on Grammar
1. Dr Sweeta. It presents the facts of languages.
2. I. A. Gordonb. The ability to learn grammar is hardwired into the human brain.
3. Thompson and Wyattc. Language is a vehicle and grammar is the machine.
4. Noam Chomskyd. It is a practical analysis of a language.

Code:    1 2 3 4

(a)          a b d c

(b)          c d b a

(c)           b a c d

(d)          d c a b

Answer: (d)


  1. According to Dr Sweet, grammar is a practical analysis of a language.
  2. According to I. A. Gordon, language is a vehicle and grammar is the machine.
  3. According to Thompson and Wyatt, grammar presents facts of languages.
  4. According to Noam Chomsky, the ability to learn grammar is hardwired into the human brain.

Q26. For process writing, which one of the following points should be followed?

(a) Use of personal pronouns

(b) Organisation of points

(c) Word limit

(d) Logical sequence

Answer: (d)

Explanation: Process writing is an approach where students are brainstormed, and motivated to plan and then write in a logical sequence. They are supposed to draft their piece of work and then revise it, deleting all the errors. Before presenting their final draft, they are advised to proofread their work.

Q27. ‘Have students choose three numbers (from 1 to 10). Each number corresponds to an item on the list below. The first number is the character their stories are to focus on, the second number is the setting for their stories, and so forth.’ This can be used as an assignment for reading

(a) And speaking

(b) And listening

(c) Speaking and writing

(d) And writing

Answer: (c)

Explanation: Students may mix and match any three elements to develop their story. Such an assignment may be given for reading (like scanning for the required detail), speaking or writing to make learners focus on detailing the factors chosen by them.

Q28. There are four different kinds of reading

(a) Pleasure, information, details, skimming

(b) Searching, discovering, scanning, extensive

(c) Skimming, scanning, extensive and intensive

(d) Skimming, scanning, discovering, searching

Answer: (c)

Explanation: There are four types of reading, which depend on the purpose of reading. These four types are: skimming, scanning, extensive and intensive.

Q29. Effective learning takes place when students are

(a) Passive

(b) Interactive

(c) Quiet

(d) Good at preparing for examinations

Answer: (b)

Explanation: Interactive classrooms are always better for effective learning. They make the learner active and attentive.

Q30. According to Harrow’s classification, there are levels in the psychomotor domain.

(a) Five

(b) Three

(c) Four

(d) Six

Answer: (d)

Explanation: According to Harrow’s classification, there are six levels in the psychomotor domain. These are reflex movements, fundamental movements, perception, physical abilities, skilled movements, advanced learned movements and non-discursive communication.

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