Quiz-12: Child Development and Pedagogy MCQ Questions

Child Development and Pedagogy MCQ Question with Answer

Directions (Q. 1-30): Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate option.

Q1. A teacher, because of his democratic nature, allows students to sit all over the class. Some sit together and discuss or do group reading. Some sit quietly and read themselves. A parent does not like it.

Which of the following may be the best way to handle the situation?

(a) Parents should show trust in the teacher and discuss the problem with him.

(b) Parents should take away the child from the school.

(c) Parents should complain against the teacher to the principal.

(d) Parents should request the principal to change the section of their ward.


Answer: (a)

Explanation: A democratic classroom model allows students to do activities like group discussions, debates, etc. on subject-related or other topics. If parents do not like it, they should show trust in the teacher and discuss the problem with him. It will help the teacher to understand the parent’s point of view and apply a suitable teaching strategy to solve it.

Q2. Which one of the following is not related to other options?

(a) Organising question-answer sessions

(b) Taking feedback from students on a topic

(c) Conducting quiz

(d) Modelling the skills of self-assessment


Answer: (d)

Explanation: Modelling the skills of self-assessment is not related to other given options because this is a type of self-assessment. But, the remaining three options are performed by the teacher.

Q3. Learning disabilities in mathematics can be assessed by a/an

(a) Aptitude test

(b) Diagnostic test

(c) Screening test

(d) Achievement test


Answer: (b)

Explanation: Learning disabilities are disorders that affect an individual’s ability to calculate in mathematics, writing language, etc. These disabilities are assessed with the help of a diagnostic test. A diagnostic test measures the student’s understanding of a subject area or skills. It is also used for psychological assessment.

Q4. Who is considered the father of progressive education?

(a) Charles Darwin

(b) Eric Erickson

(c) B.F. Skinner

(d) John Dewey


Answer: (d)

Explanation: John Dewey is considered the father of progressive education. According to him, progressive education emphasizes the need to learn by doing.

Q5. Gifted students may be asked to spend more time on questions dealing with

(a) Remembering

(b) Understanding

(c) Creating

(d) Analysis


Answer: (c)

Explanation: High IQ level, leadership capability, high achievement capability, artistic, etc. are the characteristics of a gifted child. Thus, a gifted child is good at remembering, understanding, and analytical ability. However, in terms of dealing with creating a new thing, he will take time. This is because creating a new thing is a part of the synthesis or evaluation stages.

Q6. Which of the following does not imply practical intelligence in the Triarchic Theory of Intelligence?

(a) Thinking practically about oneself only

(b) Choosing an environment in which you can succeed

(c) Adapting to the environment

(d) Reshaping the environment


Answer: (a)

Explanation: The Triarchic Theory of Intelligence was propounded by Sternberg. According to this theory, there are three aspects of intelligence, i.e. analytical (componential), creative (experiential), and practical (contextual).

Q7. Which of the following is a principle of development?

(a) It does not proceed at the same pace for all.

(b) Development is always linear.

(c) It is a discontinuous process.

(d) All processes of development are not inter-connected.


Answer: (a)

Explanation: There is no fixed rate of development. That all children will learn to speak is universal. However, the time at which each child takes his first step to speak may vary.

Q8. The process of changing the existing schemes to include new information is called

(a) Accommodation

(b) Egocentrism

(c) Adaptation

(d) Assimilation


Answer: (a)

Explanation: The term ‘accommodation’ is related to Jean Piaget’s theory of cognitive development. According to Piaget, it refers to the process by which an individual can modify the existing cognitive schemes to include new information.

Q9. The best way to avoid gender discrimination in a school maybe

(a) Selection of more boys than girls for a music competition

(b) Metacognition of the gender-biased behaviours by teachers

(c) Recruitment of an equal number of male and female teachers

(d) Formation of a rule to shun gender discrimination in the school and enforce it strictly


Answer: (c)

Explanation: Teachers must evaluate their gender-biased behaviours and correct them. They must provide equal opportunities to students in all activities irrespective of their gender.

Q10. Development proceeds from ___________ to ________

(a) Specific _ general

(b) Simple _ easy

(c) General _ specific

(d) Complex _ hard


Answer: (c)

Explanation: Development becomes specific from general when it is influenced by an individual’s social status, the environment surrounding individual differences, etc.

Q11. Deficiency in the ability to write, associated with impaired handwriting, is a symptom of

(a) Dyspraxia

(b) Dyscalculia

(c) Dyslexia

(d) Dysgraphia


Answer: (d)

Explanation: Dysgraphia is an inability related to the writing skills of a child. The misuse of lines and margins by the child is a major symptom of this disability.

Q12. Learners display individual differences. So, a teacher should

(a) Provide a variety of learning experiences

(b) Enforce strict discipline

(c) Increase the number of tests

(d) Insist on the uniform pace of learning


Answer: (a)

Explanation: In a diverse classroom, learners have different abilities. So, learners display individual differences. To handle this situation, the teacher should provide a variety of learning experiences related to daily life, which will enhance the learning environment of the class.

Q13. Which of the following statements is given by Vygotsky?

(a) Children think illogically.

(b) Children think in different domains.

(c) Culture and language play a significant role in child development

(d) Emotions vary from person to person.


Answer: (c)

Explanation: According to Vygotsky, language plays an important role in mental development, and culture is the main determinant of cognitive development.

Q14. Which of the following does not come under a childhood task?

(a) Gaining competence in various motor skills

(b) Learning the concept of  ‘I” and ‘You’

(c) Getting along with the peer group

(d) Acquiring social responsibilities


Answer: (d)

Explanation: The childhood period is from 2 years to 12 years in an individual. During this period, a child refines his acquired skills and learns new skills as well. He does not acquire social responsibilities in this period.

Q15. Ram has learned to eat food with his hand. When he is given a chapatti with vegetables, he starts eating it by taking a bite of chapatti along with the vegetable. We can say that he has eaten food into his schema.

(a) Initiated

(b) Accommodated

(c) Assimilated

(d) Appropriated


Answer: (c)

Explanation: An assimilation is an act of absorbing something into the present schema. A child uses a new object in his/her existing schema.

Q16. _____ occurs at schools, playgrounds, and neighborhoods where a child learns how to behave appropriately to adjust to the situation.

(a) Primary socialisation

(b) Secondary socialisation

(c) Anticipatory socialisation

(d) Re-socialisation occurs


Answer: (b)

Explanation: Secondary socialization includes learning the behaviour that is considered appropriate within a community.

Q17. When adults assist to facilitate the progression of the child from his/her current level of performance to a potential level of performance, it is called

(a) Participatory learning

(b) Collaborative learning

(c) Proximal development

(d) Scaffolding


Answer: (d)

Explanation: In education, scaffolding encompasses a variety of instructional techniques implemented to move students progressively toward stronger understanding and greater independence in the learning process.

Q18. According to which level of Kohlberg, do children follow a set of moral codes established by adults?

(a) Post-conventional level

(b) Pre-conventional level

(c) Conventional level

(d) Social contract level


Answer: (b)

Explanation: At the pre-conventional level, children follow a set of moral codes established by adults. There are two stages of this punishment obedience orientation and reward orientation.

Q19. Which one of the following questions is correctly matched with its specified domain?

(a) Could your group you’re: Evaluating students based on their achievements in mathematics?

(b) What was the turning point in Creating the cricket match telecast last night?

(c) Write down a new recipe to Application cook chicken by using herbs.

(d) Determine which of the given: Analysing measures would most likely lead to achieving the best results.


Answer: (d)

Explanation: According to Bloom’s taxonomy, there are six domains of learning-knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. An analysis is the fourth stage of evaluation in Bloom’s taxonomy.

Q20. To make assessment a ‘useful and interesting’ process, one should be careful about

(a) Using various ways to collect information about the student’s learning across scholastic and co-scholastic boundaries

(b) Using technical language to give feedback

(c) Making comparisons between different students

(d) Labelling students as intelligent or average learners


Answer: (a)

Explanation: To make assessment a ‘useful and interesting’ process, one should be careful about using various ways like portfolio, observation, rating scale, interview, stoichiometry, and anecdotal record to collect information about students’ learning across scholastic and co-scholastic boundaries.

Q21. Learning disabilities may occur due to all of the following except

(a) Cerebral dysfunction

(b) Emotional disturbance

(c) Behavioural disturbance

(d) Cultural factors

Answer: (d)

Explanation: Learning disabilities are directly related to an individual’s central nervous system (CNS). They may occur due to cerebral dysfunction, emotional disturbance, behavioral disturbance, etc. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual IV (DSM-IV), learning disabilities can exist as disorders of reading, math, or written expression.

Q22. According to Piaget’s theory, which of the following will not influence one’s cognitive development?

(a) Social experiences

(b) Maturation

(c) Activity

(d) Language


Answer: (a)

Explanation: Jean Piaget’s theory is based on the cognitive development of a child. According to Piaget, there are four stages of cognitive development within a child. These stages are- the sensorimotor stage (birth to 2 years), preoperational stage (2 to 7 years), concrete operational stage (7 to 11 years), and formal operational stage (11 to 16 years). Social experiences are part of Bandura’s theory or Vygotsky’s theory on the teaching-learning process.

Q23. Human development is divided into domains such as

(a) Physical, cognitive, emotional, and social

(b) Emotional, cognitive, spiritual and social-psychological

(c) Psychological, cognitive, emotional, and physical

(d) Physical, spiritual, cognitive, and social


Answer: (c)

Explanation: Human development is divided into domains such as psychological, cognitive, emotional, and physical. All domains are interrelated and can vary from child to child.

Q24. Fluency, elaboration, originality, and flexibility are the factors associated with

(a) Giftedness

(b) Talent

(c) Divergent thinking

(d) Acceleration


Answer: (a)

Explanation: Fluency, elaboration, originality, and flexibility are the factors associated with giftedness. Gifted children also have a high IQ level. Creativity, leadership capability, high achievement capability, etc. are some other characteristics of gifted children.

Q25. The school-based assessment was introduced to

(a) Decentralise the power of Boards of School Education in the country

(b) Ensure holistic development of all students

(c) Motivate teachers to punctiliously record all the activities of students for better interpretation of their progress

(d) Encourage schools to excel by competing with other schools


Answer: (b)

Explanation: School-based assessment ensures the holistic development of all students. A team of teachers works according to the syllabus with the authority to develop or review the present policies.

Q26. The use of teacher-made tests may be preferred over standardized tests for assessing the performance of disadvantaged students, as

(a) Standardised tests are given to only those students who come from higher strata of society

(b) Standardised tests do not take into account the special needs of the disadvantaged group

(c) Standardised tests have large errors of measurement

(d) Standardised tests are focused on rote memory


Answer: (b)

Explanation: Standardised assessments are defined as assessment tools constructed by experts and published for use in different educational situations. These assessments do not take into account the special needs of disadvantaged groups. On the contrary, teachers can have a concern for every child in the classroom as they know their learners better than most other acquaintances.

Q27. A teacher has some physically challenged children in her class. Which of the following would be appropriate for her to say?

(a) Wheelchair-bound children may take the help of their peers in going to the hall

(b) Mohan sits in the Class and others go and play outside.

(c) Mohan, why don’t you use your crutches to go to the playground

(d) Polio-affected children will now present a song.


Answer: (c)

Explanation: The teacher wants to motivate the student (Mohan). Motivation encourages the student’s performance and increases their rate of learning. It also removes the inferiority complex of the student because of which he thinks that he cannot play like others. This is a part of positive motivation.

Q28. Successful inclusion requires the following except

(a) Capacity building

(b) Sensitisation

(c) Segregation

(d) Involvement of parents


Answer: (c)

Explanation: A good or successful inclusion offers equal opportunity to every child, irrespective of any diversity based on disability, gender, religion, class, caste, etc.

Q29. An inclusive school

(a) is committed to improving the learning outcomes of all students irrespective of their capabilities

(b) Differentiates between students and sets less challenging achievement targets for specially-abled children

(c) is committed particularly to improving the learning outcome of specially-abled students

(d) Decides to learn the needs of students according to their disability


Answer: (a)

Explanation: An inclusive school is one where students with and without disabilities study together. It aims to improve the learning outcomes of all students irrespective of their capabilities.

Q30. Learning can be enriched if

(a) Teachers use different types of lectures and explanations

(b) Due attention is paid to periodic tests in the class

(c) Situations from the real world are brought into the class in which students interact with each other

(d) More and more teaching aids are used in the class tics and Science


Answer: (c)

Explanation: Students can easily comprehend the topic if situations from the real world are explained in the class by the teacher. By providing a situation from the real world, the teacher can develop better ideas about the problems and their solutions among students.

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