Quiz-8: Child Development and Pedagogy MCQ Questions

Child Development and Pedagogy MCQ Questions with Answer

Q1. The most important factor that influences human intelligence is

(a) Heredity

(b) Environment

(c) Both of the above

(d) None of the above


Answer: (c) Both of the above

Q2. Sound knowledge of child development is very helpful in pedagogy. Which one of the following is not a significant statement?

(a) Increased awareness of development delays in young children has led to the creation of early intervention services.

(b) Earlier detection of hearing deficit sometimes leads to correction of problems before serious language impairments occur.

(c) The school must teach children the social and life skills that will help them to develop into healthy adolescents.

(d) None of the above


Answer: (d) None of the above

Q3. Generally, the baby expresses smiling emotion when its face or cheeks are touched gently. It happens due to

(a) reflex actions

(b) emotional reactions

(c) display of good gestures

(d) conditioning


Answer: (a) reflex actions

Q4. Social stratification can be expressed as

(a) the characteristic denoting socioeconomic structure in the society

(b) the level of a family in the caste hierarchy of their community

(c) classification based on the demography of the population

(d) the difference denoting the level of social respect


Answer: (a) the characteristic denoting socioeconomic structure in the society

Q5. Mental hygiene includes

(a) Physical health only

(b) Mental health only

(c) Physical and Mental health both

(d) Diagnosis of Mental illness


Answer: (c) Physical and Mental health both

Q6. The meaning of personalized teaching is

(a) to teach children personally

(b) to give tuition individually

(c) to teach children as per their abilities

(d) None of the above


Answer: (c) to teach children as per their abilities

Q7. Which one of the following factors does not influence the child’s development?

(a) Heredity

(b) Culture

(c) Achievement

(d) Growth


Answer: (c) Achievement

Q8. In the pre-primary school system, the criterion of a small child’s adjustment is

(a) he takes his care and fulfils his needs

(b) he remains happy with his social constraints

(c) the tendency to play in separate groups

(d) development of independence among the children


Answer: (c) tendency to play in separate groups

Q9. Expectancy theory is a theory of

(a)  Personality

(b) Attitude

(c) Motivation

(d) Learning


Answer: (c) Motivation

Q10. The Bright normal person has an IQ of

(a) 120-129

(b) 110-119

(c) 130-140

(d) None of these


Answer: (b) 110-119

Q11. Operation Blackboard Program for primary schools is

(a) Related to improving physical and material facilities

(b) Related to admission

(c) Related to the mid-day meal

(d) Related to the blackboard


Answer: (a) Related to improving physical and material facilities

Q12. Which of the following categories is given free and compulsory education according to our Constitution?

(a) all the students

(b) all the students up to 14 years of age

(c) all the students and adults

(d) all the citizen


Answer: (b) all the students up to 14 years of age

Q13. Verbal intelligence tests are the better option for

(a) literate persons

(b) illiterate persons

(c) small children

(d) special children


Answer: (a) literate persons

Q14. Democracy in the classroom is best reflected through

(a) allowing students the freedom to the observance of classroom rules and regulations

(b) allowing the class to decide the curricular experiences of the classroom

(c) allowing the maximum participation of all the students in the classroom activities.

(d) None of the above


Answer: (c) allowing the maximum participation of all the students in classroom activities.

Q15. It is popularly said that any two students are not alike. This means

(a) Every student differs in their physical and mental setup.

(b) they differ in their familiarity and social status.

(c) they are different in their mental setup.

(d) all of the above


Answer: (a) Every student differs in their physical and mental setup.

Q16. Development occurs in human beings

(a) up to the end of adolescence period

(b) up to the end of childhood

(c) up to the start of adulthood

(d) throughout the life


Answer: (d) throughout the life

Q17. Which of the following is not related to principles of growth and development?

(a) Principle of continuity

(b) Principle of integration

(c) Principle of classification

(d) Principle of individuality


Answer: (c) Principle of classification

Q18. Determinants of individual difference in human beings relate to :

(a) Difference in heredity

(b) Difference in environment

(c) interaction between heredity and environment

(d) Both heredity and environment interact separately


Answer : (c) interaction between heredity and environment

Q19. In the context of education, socialization means

(a) adapting and adjusting to the social environment

(b) always following social norms

(c) creating one’s social norms

(c) respecting elders in society


Answer: (a) adapting and adjusting to social environment

Q20. “Development precedes learning” is a statement attributed to

(a) Dewey

(b) Piaget

(c) Vygotsky

(d) Bruner


Answer: (b) Piaget

Q21. Who created the concept of Kindergarten?

(a) Montessori

(b) Dewey

(c) Rosseau

(d) Frobel


Answer: (d) Frobel

Q22. A creative child may be poor in

(a) Religious value

(b) Aesthetic value

(c) Social Value

(d) None of this


Answer: (a) Religious value

Q23. Gender norms are often constructed by society to

(a) follow tradition

(b) prevent confusion

(c) satisfy its needs

(d) None of the above


Answer: (c) satisfy its needs

Q24. A teacher usually assigns different tasks to different students. She believes that

(a) Students do not like the same kind of work being assigned to all

(b) with this method, the students will not be able to copy each other’s work

(c) There exists individual differences between students

(d) It promotes competition among the students


Answer: (c) There exists individual differences between students

Q25. The purpose of measurement in education is to

(a) Quantity of the achievement of objectives

(b) Make decisions about students

(c) Collect information for evaluation

(d) Evaluate the teacher’s ability


Answer: (c) Collect information for evaluation

Q26. Academic achievement of a learner includes

(a) Skills and Learning attitudes

(b) Knowledge and understanding

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) Neither (a) nor (b)


Answer:  (c) Both (a) and (b)

Q27. In 2005 the Government of India decided to make all schools “disabled-friendly” by the year

(a) 2018

(b) 2020

(c) 2022

(d) 2030


Answer: (b) 2020

Q28. Learning disabilities may occur due to all of the following except

(a) The teacher’s way of teaching

(b) Mental retardation

(c) Prenatal use of alcohol

(d) meningitis during infancy


Answer: (a) The teacher’s way of teaching

Q29. ‘Connectionism’ means that

(a) Learning is the result of mental

(b) learning is the result of associations forming between stimuli and responses to them

(c) making meaning out of the interaction between experience and ideas

(d) None of the above


Answer: (b) learning is the result of associations forming between stimuli and responses to them

Q30. Which one of the following is the affair of learning?

(a) Natural

(b) Personal

(c) Social

(d) All of the above


Answer: (c) Social

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