English and Pedagogy MCQ Questions with Answer

English and Pedagogy MCQ Questions with Answer

Q1. The teacher and students discuss a topic and the former starts the conversation by asking a question, and then the student/s responds by giving examples and explanations. The speaking assessment here is to grade how well students

(a) speak fluently and creatively

(b) process information and respond appropriately

(c) express themselves

(d) respond in an appropriate tone and express themselves

fluently and creatively


Answer: (b) process information and respond appropriately

Explanation: The speaking assessment here is to grade how well students process information and respond appropriately.

Q2. The ‘interaction routine’ during speaking assessment includes

(a) negotiating meanings, taking turns, and allowing others to take turns

(b) describing one’s school or its environs informally

(c) telephone” conversation with another

(d) comparing two or more objects/places/events to the assessor


Answer: (a) negotiating meanings, taking turns, and allowing others to take turns

Explanation: The ‘interactional routine’ during speaking assessment includes negotiating meanings, taking turns, and allowing others to take turns. It helps students to learn proper norms of language usage.

Q3. For English as a second language, an ‘acquisition-poor environment’ is one where

(a) Hindi/Mother tongue is the lingua franca.

(b) The English language is used only in the classroom

(c) English is not spoken at home at all

(d) access to any learning material is unavailable to students


Answer: (d) access to any learning material is unavailable to students

Explanation: The teaching-learning process will be affected by the absence of teaching-learning material because then the rate of the learning process will decrease.

Q4. The Humanistic Approach is specifically tuned to the

(a) mastery of academic disciplines with all their characteristic features

(b) application of learned structure, content, concepts, and principles to new situations

(c) processes that enable students to discover structure for themselves

(d) a process where a sequence is taught along with how to present the related contents


Answer: (c) processes that enable students to discover structure for themselves

Explanation: The Humanistic Approach is also considered child-centered education as it looks at a child’s behavior not only through the observer’s eyes but also through the eyes of the child. The work of Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers plays a very important role in this field.

Q5. The main purpose of the assessment is

(a) to decide to pass and fail

(b) to measure the achievement of learners

(c) to give practice in writing

(d) to improve the teaching-learning process


Answer: (d) to improve the teaching-learning process

Explanation: The main objective of the assessment is to improve the learner’s learning and the teacher s teaching. Assessment is also correlated with measurement and evaluation.

Q6. When young learners are taught to improve their spelling and punctuation, they will

(a) nurture their creativity

(b) sharpen their listening skills

(c) improve their accuracy

(d) enhance their fluency


Answer: (c) improve their accuracy

Explanation: In a language class, a teacher can improve the accuracy of his/her students by providing them with appropriate spelling rules as well as telling them about the correct use of punctuation marks.

Q7. Constructivism is a theory where students

(a) study a variety of dissimilar samples and draw a well-founded conclusion

(b) form their understanding and knowledge of the world, through experiencing things and reflecting on those experiences

(c) are facilitated by the teacher and use a variety of media to research and create their theories

(d) construct their learning aids, thereby gaining hands-on experience


Answer: (b) form their understanding and knowledge of the world, through experiencing things and reflecting on those experiences

Explanation: According to the theory of constructivism, a learner constructs his/her knowledge through experience. So, learners form their understanding and knowledge of the world by experiencing things and reflecting on those experiences.

Q8. RTE stands for

(a) Right to Education Act

(b) Right to Employment Act

(c) Right to Empowerment Act

(d) Right to Free Education Act


Answer: (a) Right to Education Act

Explanation: RTE stands for Right to Education Act also known as the Right of Children aged between 6 -14 years to Free and Compulsory Education Act. This Act was introduced in 2009 and became operative on 1st April 2010.

Q9. It is generally believed that a language teacher uses up……….. the period during class teaching.

(a) 1/4th

(b) 3/4th

(c) 7/9th

(d) 2/3rd


Answer: (d) 2/3rd

Explanation: According to recent research, a teacher speaks almost 2/3rd of the time while students remain passive listeners.

Q10. Which of the following is not considered a challenge in developing the English language in India?

(a) Ambiguities in comprehending the language

(b) Lack of facilities

(c) Lack of proper words while translating from English to Hindi or vice-versa

(d) People’s unfamiliarity with English


Answer: (d) People’s unfamiliarity with English

Explanation: In India, English is a second language and most Indians are familiar with it. Most of them are able to speak the language through their knowledge is superficial.

Q11. Language acquisition

(a) are the memorization and use of necessary vocabulary

(b) involves a systematic approach to the analysis and comprehension of grammar as well as to the memorization of vocabulary

(c) refers to the process of learning a native or a Second language because of the innate capacity of the human brain

(d) is a technique intended to simulate the environment in which children learn their native language


Answer: (c) refers to the process of learning a native or a Second language because of the innate capacity of the human brain

Explanation: Language acquisition refers to the process of learning a native or a second language because of the innate capacity of the human brain

Directions (Q. Nos. 12-20): Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow by selecting the most appropriate option.

Time was when people looked heavenward and prayed, “Ye Gods, give us rain, keep drought away, Today there are those who pray. “Give us rain, keep El Nino away.” EI Nino and its atmospheric equivalent called the Southern Oscillation, are together referred to as ENSO and are household words today. Meteorologists organize it as often being responsible for natural disasters worldwide. But this wisdom dawned only after countries suffered, first from the lack of knowledge and then from the lack of coordination between policymaking and the advance in scientific knowledge. Put simply, El Nino is a weather event restricted to certain tropical shores, especially the Peruvian coast. The event has diametrically opposite impacts on the land and sea. The Peruvian shore is a desert. But every few years, an unusually warm ocean current- El Nino warms up the normally cold surface waters of the Peruvian coast, causing very heavy rains in the early half of the year.

And then, miraculously, the desert is matted blue. Crops like cotton, coconuts, and bananas grow on the otherwise stubbornly barren land. These are the Peruvians’ anos de Prudencia or years of abundance. The current had come to be termed EI Nino or the Christ child because it usually appears as an enhancement if a mildly warm current that normally occurs here around every Christmas.

But this b0on on land is accompanied by oceanic disasters. Normally, the waters of the South American coast are among the most productive in the world because of a constant upswelling of nutrient-rich cold waters from the ocean depths. During an El Nino, however, waters are stirred up only from near the surface. The nutrient crunch pushes down primary production, disrupting the food chain. Many marine species, including anchoveta (anchovies), temporarily disappear. This is just one damning effect of EI Nino. Over the years its full impact has been studied and what the Peruvians once regarded as manna, is now seen as a major threat.

Q12. Meteorologists took time to understand El Nino because

(a) it was neither a disaster nor a boon for the people living in desert areas

(b) they recognized it as an atmospheric equivalent and hence called it the Southern Oscillation

(c) they suffered from a lack of knowledge about El Nino as they were not scientifically advanced

(d) All of the above


Answer: (c) they suffered from a lack of knowledge about El Nino as they were not scientifically advanced

Explanation: Meteorologists took time to understand the El Nino desert because they suffered from a lack of knowledge about El Nino as they were not scientifically advanced.

Q13. El Nino in a layman’s language is

(a) a natural disaster

(b) a weather event

(c) Southern Oscillation

(d) None of these


Answer: (b) a weather event

Explanation: El Nino in a layman’s language is a weather event.

Q14. What are the two types of landscapes that are affected by El Nino?

(a) Coastal areas and sea

(b) Deserts and oceans

(c) Tropical shores and land

(d) All of these


Answer: (c) Tropical shores and land

Explanation: Tropical shores and land are the two types of landscapes affected by El Nino.

Q15. Which word in Para 3 is the antonym for “Fertile’?

(a) Matted

(b) Barren

(c) Abundance

(d) None of these


Answer: (b) Barren

Explanation: Antonym for ‘fertile’ is ‘barren’

Q16. What, according to the author, is a positive effect of EI Nino?

(a) It causes a change in the atmosphere

(b) It results in vegetation in barren lands

(c) It comes around Christmas

(d) It is regarded as manna


Answer: (b) It results in vegetation in barren lands

Explanation: The positive effect is that it results in vegetation in barren lands.

Q17. How can we say that El Nino proves to be a boon for the South American Coast?

(a) It causes an upswelling of rich nutrients making it the most productive in the world

(b) It destroys many marine species such as anchoveta

(c) It warms up normally cold surface waters causing heavy rains

(d) It enhances warm currents around every Christmas


Answer: (a) It causes an upswelling of rich nutrients making it the most productive in the world

Explanation: El Nino proves to be a boon for the South American Coast, for; it causes an upswelling of rich nutrients making it the most productive in the world.

Q18. The years of abundance’ is when

(a) El Nino occurs during Christmas

(b) the deserts are matted blue

(c) Marine species are destroyed

(d) None of the above


Answer: (a) El Nino occurs during Christmas

Explanation: The ‘years of abundance’ is when El Nino occurs during Christmas.

Q19. The phrase, ‘damning effect’ means

(a) destructive effects

(b) disrupting effects

(c) negative effects

(d) full effects


Answer: (a) destructive effects

Explanation: The phrase ‘damning effect’ means destructive effects.

Q20. People today, pray to God to keep

(a) rains and droughts away

(b) drought away

(c) El Nino away

(d) El Nino and droughts away


Answer: (c) El Nino away

Explanation: People today, pray to God to keep El Nino away.

Directions (Q. Nos. 21-25): Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.

People in the villages of Rajasthan lead a very simple life. Their way of living has not changed over the years. They live in circular huts. The walls of these huts are covered with cow dung. Every hut has a small place for worship. The life of these people is full of difficulties. It is very hot in the summer and cold in the winter. Water is a major problem. Sometimes they have to walk a long distance to get drinking water. For their agriculture, they depend on rain. But these people are very brave. They have learned to face difficulties and they never lose hope. They also like to enjoy their life. Women like to wear dresses full of bright colors.

People living in villages in Rajasthan have a rich tradition of music and dance. The people of Rajasthan are very proud of their culture.

Q21. Which of the following words is a synonym for ‘brave’?

(a) Hardworking

(b) Prosperous

(c) Valiant

(d) Enthusiastic


Answer: (c) Valiant means very brave; courageous.

Q22. The antonym of ‘bright‘ is

(a) colourful

(b) dull

(c) transparent

(d) dark


Answer: (b) Bright means full of light; cheerful; intelligent. Dull means not bright; boring; stupid.

Q23. Which of the following words is correctly spelled?

(a) Immediate

(b) Imimediate

(c) Immedieta

(d) Imediate


Answer: (a) Immediate

Q24. ‘Their way of living can be replaced with the word

(a) livelihood

(b) liveliness

(c) lifelike

(d) lifestyle


Answer: (d) lifestyle

Q25. Find the correct one word for the phrase given below. ‘Countryside of a nation’.

(a) Rural

(b) Urban

(c) National

(d) Inhabitants


Answer: (a) Rural means like the countryside; connected with the countryside.

Directions (Q. Nos. 26-30) Read the passage and answer the questions that follow.

Most children start watching television long before they enter school. Many doctors have come to the conclusion that children up to the age of two years should not watch TV. The doctors are of the view that the first two years of life are very important for the development of a child’s brain. Spending time with parents and others encourages learning and healthy physical and social development. As children get older, TV can be watched to a limited extent. Children preparing to enter school can learn the alphabet and numbers from educational programs. They can also learn about wildlife on nature shows. A TV can be an excellent educator as well as an entertainer for children.

Q26. Both the words ‘Children’ and ‘Entertainer’ are

(a) nouns

(b) pronouns

(c) verbs

(d) adverbs


Answer: (a) nouns

Q27. The verb in the clause “they enter school” is in

(a) simple past tense

(b) simple present tense

(c) present perfect tense

(d) present continuous tense


Answer: (b) simple present tense.

Q28. Which of the following has the three degrees of the adjective in their correct form?

(a) Poor, poorer, poorest

(b) Important, most important, an important test

(c) Old, older, oldest

(d) Thin, thinner, thinner


Answer: (c) Old, older, oldest

Q29. In the phrase ‘a good thing,’ the determiner used is

(a) good

(b) thing

(c) a thing

(d) a


Answer: (d) a

Q30. Of the given options, which one is closest in meaning to the word ‘extent?

(a) End

(b) Limit

(c) Finish

(d) Conclusion


Answer: (c) Extent means Limit, Limitation, Boundary, Border, etc

Q31. Which of the following sentences has the correct structure of the question?

(a) How long will it take to finish your work?

(b) How long will take to finish your work?

(c) How long do you take to finish your work?

(d) How long will take to finish your work?


Answer: (a) How long will it take to finish your work?

Q32. The passive voice form of the sentence ‘She will write a letter.’ will be

(a) A letter will be written by her.

(b) A letter will be written by her.

(c) Written a letter will be by her.

(d) Will a letter be written by her?

Answer: (b) A letter will be written by her

Q33. The passive voice form of the sentence ‘Who will help you?’ will be

(a) By whom will you be helped?

(b) Whom will you be helped?

(c) You will be helped.

(d) Whom will be you are helped?


Answer: (a) By whom will you be helped?

Q34. Consonant sounds are

(a) 26

(b) 24

(c) 27

(d) 28


Answer: (b) There are 24 consonant sounds in the English language.

Q35. Phonetic symbols are

(a) 44

(b) 40

(c) 48

(d) 52


Answer: (a) 44

Q36. Which one of the following is not included under the principles of English teaching?

(a) Principle of a natural process

(b) Principle of purpose

(c) Principle of uprooting from culture

(d) Principle of selection


Answer: (c) Principle of uprooting from culture

Q37. The criteria for choosing a particular course for a particular class is called

(a) The Principle of Selection

(b) The Principle of Gradation

(c) The Principle of Proper Order

(d) The Principle of Motivation


Answer: (a) The Principle of Selection

Q38. The unit of teaching indirect method is

(a) word

(b) sentence

(c) phrase

(d) None of these


Answer: (b) The unit of teaching in direct method is sentence.

Q39. An alphabetic method is also known as

(a) Word method

(b) Syllabic method

(c) Spelling method

(d) Phrase method


Answer: (c) The alphabetic method is also known as the ABC method or spelling method.

Q39. In which method teacher state the rules and give examples?

(a) Inductive method

(b) Deductive method

(c) Translation method

(d) None of these


Answer: (b) Deductive method

Q41. The best sequence for learning the English language is

(a) Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing

(b) Speaking, Listening, Reading, Writing

(c) Listening, Speaking, Writing, Reading

(d) None of the above


Answer: (a) The best sequence for learning the English language is listening, speaking, reading, and writing (LSRW)

Q42. A language has to be

(a) Phonetically correct

(b) Grammatically correct

(c) Alphabetically correct

(d) Systematically correct


Answer: (b) Grammatically correct

Q43. Flashcards are a useful type of

(a) Audio-visual aids

(b) Audio aids

(c) Visual aids

(d) None of these


Answer: (c) Visual aids

Q44. A good textbook in English should possess

(a) reading material

(b) pictures and illustrations

(c) cultural content

(d) All of the above


Answer: (d) All of the above

Q45. It is of great utility in teaching English pronunciation, accent, and intonation.

(a) Epidiascope

(b) Films

(c) Linguaphone

(d) Radio


Answer: (c) Linguaphone

Q46. The latest scheme of evaluation outlined by the CBSE namely

(a) Comprehensive and Continuous Evaluation

(b) Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation

(c) Continuous and Communicative Evaluation

(d) None of the above


Answer: (b) Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation

Q47. To cover all courses in minimum time, which type of question should be asked?

(a) Short answer

(b) Objective type

(c) Essay type

(d) All of these


Answer: (b) Objective type

Q48. A unit test is an expression of

(a) Effective Evaluation

(b) Formative Evaluation

(c) Summative Evaluation

(d) Normative Evaluation


Answer : (b) Formative Evaluation

Q49. Pronunciation of students can be tested through ….. type questions.

(a) essay

(b) objective

(c) short answer

(d) None of these


Answer: (d) None of these

Q50. Oral tests and examinations are intended to test

(a) reading

(b) comprehension

(c) expression

(d) All of these


Answer: (d) All of these

Read the given passage, and then answer the questions based on it. You are required to select your answers based on the contents of the passage and the opinion of the author only.


We should preserve Nature to preserve life and beauty. A beautiful landscape, full of blue vegetation, will not just attract our attention but will fill us with infinite satisfaction. Unfortunately, because of modernization, much of nature is now yielding to towns, roads, and industrial areas. In a few places, some natural reserves are now being carved out to avert the danger of destroying nature completely. Man will perish without nature, so modern man should continue this struggle to save plants, which give us oxygen. Moreover, Nature is essential to man’s health.

Q51. What does ‘Nature’ in the passage mean?

(a) Countryside covered with plants and trees

(b) Physical power that created the world

(c) Inherent things that determine the character

(d) Practical study of plants and animals


Answer: (a) Nature here denotes a beautiful landscape, full of blue vegetation.

Q52. Which one of the following is the correct statement?

According to the passage

(a) beauty is only skin-deep

(b) everything is beautiful in its natural state

(c) there is beauty in Nature

(d) Nature is a moray teacher


Answer: (c) The author is highlighting nature’s beauty.

Q53. What does the writer suggest?

(a) We should not modernize so that Nature can be preserved

(b) While modernizing we should be careful not to destroy Nature completely

(c) All Nature has been destroyed by modern living

(d) Carving out Natural reserves will hamper the growth of industries


Answer: (b) The author mentions the impact of modernization and that we should be more careful not to destroy Nature while modernizing.

Q54. Direction: Select the most appropriate Preposition.

Work  ­­_______all the sums in the exercise.

(a) down

(b) out

(c) for

(d) at


Answer: (b) out

Q55. Direction: Select the most appropriate article to fill in the blank in the following sentence.

During the investigation, _______ accused led the police to the scene of the crime.

(a) a

(b) an

(c) the

(d) None of these


Answer : (c) the

Direction: Choose the most appropriate Group Verb.

Q56. His original plan has ______ and so he is working on a new one.

(a) fallen in

(b) fallen out

(c) fallen off

(d) fallen through


Answer: (d) fallen through

Q57. Direction: Select the most appropriate synonym.


(a) Regnant

(b) Regicide

(c) Repugnant

(d) Tyrant


Answer: (a) Regnant (of an official or regime) currently holding office

Q58. Direction: Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word.


(a) Titanic

(b) Gargantuan

(c) Infinitesimal

(d) Reticent


Answer: (c) Mammoth meaning huge, Infinitesimal meaning extremely small

Q59. For teaching grammar, the best grammar that a teacher can teach us is –––

(a) Traditional grammar

(b) Modern Grammar

(c) Pedagogic Grammar

(d) No grammar is needed


Answer: (c) Pedagogic Grammar

Q60. The method of teaching English adopted at present in the school curriculum is ––

(a) Formative Co-relational Approach

(b) Functional Communicative Approach

(c) Function Corrective Approach

(d) Figurative Comprehensive Approach


Answer: (b) Functional Communicative Approach

Directions (Q.Nos. 61-66):
Read the poem given below and answer the questions that follow by choosing the most appropriate option.

It takes much time to kill a tree

Not a simple job of the knife

will do it. It has grown

Slowly consuming the earth,

Rising out of it, feeding

upon its crust, absorbing

Years of sunlight, air, water

And out of its leprous hide

Sprouting leaves.

So hack and chop

But this alone won’t do it

The bleeding bark will heal

And from close to the ground

Will rise curled blue twigs

Miniature boughs

Which if unchecked will expand again

To former size. No,

The root is to be pulled out.

Q61. Killing a tree

(a) is very easy

(b) is not as easy as one thinks

(c) requires a knife

(d) is a crime


Answer: (b) is not as easy as one thinks

Explanation: Killing a tree is not as easy as one thinks.

Q62. If the tree is hacked, it will ……… itself soon.

(a) kill

(b) blue

(c) heal

(d) pull


Answer: (c) heal

Explanation: Heal’ should be filled in.

Q63. The expression ‘to kill a tree’ suggests

(a) the trees must be pulled out

(b) it is heinous to uproot a live tree

(c) killing a tree is easy

(d) None of the above


Answer: (b) it is heinous to uproot a live tree

Explanation: To kill a tree’ suggests that it is heinous to uproot a live tree.

Q64. The expression “bleeding bark’ suggests

(a) the tree also bleeds

(b) the tree gets hurt too

(c) blood will come out of its bark

(d) None of the above


Answer: (b) the tree gets hurt too

Explanation: ‘Bleeding bark’ suggests that the tree gets hurt too.

Q65. ‘Job‘ in the poem is used as

(a) a verb

(b) an adjective

(c) a noun

(d) a jargon


Answer: (c) a noun

Explanation: Job’ is used as a ‘noun’.

Q66. A tree can’t live without

(a) sunlight, minerals, air

(b) sunlight, air, water

(c) air, water, minerals

(d) sunlight, water, minerals


Answer: (b) sunlight, air, water

Explanation: A tree cannot live without sunlight, air, and water.

Q67. Suppose a student lacks accuracy in the task he/she has learned. At which stage of the learning process would someone generally face this problem?

(a) Acquisition

(b) Generalization

(c) Proficiency

(d) Expertisation


Answer: (c) Proficiency

Explanation: The proficiency stage emphasizes practice. It is through practice that a student can master a skill.

Q68. ‘Students need to brainstorm ideas, organize them, draft, edit and revise their work, is a ‘process’ which reflects

(a) reading skills

(b) listening skills

(c) writing skills

(d) speaking skills


Answer: (c) writing skills

Explanation: Brainstorming ideas, organizing them, drafting, editing, and revising the work are all related to writing skills.

Q69. The learning experiences that offer a vicarious experience to learners are

(a) real objects and specimens

(b) abstract words, case study

(c) display boards, film clips

(d) field trips, observations


Answer: (c) display boards, film clips

Explanation: Using an audio-visual teaching aid (like display boards and film clips) during the teaching process makes the learning process effective and permanent 1or students.

Q70. Which approach emphasizes interaction as the means and the goal of learning a language?

(a) Oral-aural

(b) Silent way

(c) Immersion

(d) Communicative


Answer: (d) Communicative

Explanation: Interaction is possible only through communication. It is considered not only a means but also a goal of learning a language.

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