Quiz-11: English and Pedagogy MCQ Questions with Answer

English and Pedagogy MCQ Questions with Answer

Directions (Q. 1-9): Read the passage given below and answer the questions by selecting the most appropriate option.

The massive fort of Jodhpur looked down from the hill at the new city which had sprawled out around the old one. The desert lay beyond the city. It crouched there like a lion and was the colour of one, its rippled tawny pelt flea specked here and there with small clumps of scrub. A gritty wind blew out of it, little rivers of sand eddied briefly down the pavements, then was snatched back into the air and flung like a challenge to the south. At the edge of the city, herds of camels twined their long necks around stunted trees, as though they were snakes. Then there were no more trees. Tall whirlwinds of sand marched down towards us from the horizon.

The desert enclosed us for the next ten days. There was a glare and dazzle on the skyline at dawn, then the ferocious eye of summer opened for a long look at its domain. For the next twelve hours, it scowled down at the sand. We closed our eyes, visualized shadow and water, and narrowed them open once more to the parch and scald of the desert wind. The shifting wind caused the dunes constantly to collapse and reform or drift lazily out as bulwarks across the road. The car had to stop at frequent intervals, so that we could clear the heaped sand away, or because one of the tyres, hissing on the burning surface of the tarmac, had exploded. During those prolonged and sweaty intervals by the roadside, we were passed, sometimes, by the ghostly herds of livestock moving south.

Q1. The synonym for the word ‘clumps‘ is

(a) Riots

(b) Locks

(c) Haunts

(d) Bunches


Answer: (d)

Explanation: A clump is a group of similar things. So, its synonym would be ‘bunch’.

Q2. The antonym for the word ‘scowled‘ is

(a) Frowned

(b) Smiled

(c) Observed

(d) Located


Answer: (b)

Explanation: ‘Scowl’ is to frown with displeasure. So, its antonym would be ‘smile’.

Q3. The desert looked like a lion because both are

(a) Found among the hills

(b) of the same colour

(c) Massive

(d) Ferocious


Answer: (b)

Explanation: The author says that the desert ‘crouched there like a lion and was the colour of one’. This means that their colour and crouching made them look alike.

Q4. The only objects that broke the monotony of the vast desert were

(a) Shadow and water

(b) Lions living in it

(c) Rivers of sand in it

(d) Clumps of scrub here and there


Answer: (d)

Explanation: The desert lay beyond the new city that had sprawled out around the old city. The author found ‘small clumps of scrubs’ here and there that can be believed to be breaking the monotony of the desert.

Q5. Between the fort and the desert, there is/are

(a) No city

(b) A hill

(c) Two cities

(d) Three cities


Answer: (c)

Explanation: According to the passage, ‘fort of Jodhpur looked down from the hill at the new city which had sprawled out around the old one. The desert lay beyond the city.’ This shows that between the fort and the desert, there were two cities, i.e. the new and the old.

Q6. ________ are compared to snakes.

(a) Longnecks of camels

(b) Herds of camels

(c) Edges of the city

(d) Stunted trees


Answer: (a)

Explanation: The author says that “camels twined their long necks around stunted trees, as though they were snakes’. So, the author compares the long necks of camels to snakes.

Q7. The narrator’s style of description is

(a) Analytical

(b) Scholarly

(c) Poetic

(d) Philosophic


Answer: (c)

Explanation: The author’s style of writing is poetic. This is because he has used many literary devices and flowery language. One such example is the ‘ferocious eye of summer’.

Q8. ‘_____ the new city which had sprawled _______’ Which part of speech is the underlined word in the above clause?

(a) Conjunction

(b) Noun

(c) Pronoun

(d) Adjective


Answer: (c)

Explanation: The given clause is a restrictive relative clause. The relative pronoun used in this clause is ‘which’.

Q9. “The desert enclosed us for the next ten days.” The voice in this sentence has been correctly changed in which of the following:

(a) The desert was enclosed by us.

(b) We were enclosed by the desert.

(c) We had been enclosed by the desert.

(d) The desert had been enclosed.


Answer: (b)

Explanation: The given sentence is in active voice and it is correctly changed to its passive form in the sentence given in the second option.

Directions (Q. 10-15): Read the poem given below and answer the questions by selecting the most appropriate option.

Mother Nature

Our world is always changing,

Constantly re-arranging.

From ocean depths to mountain peaks,

Mother Nature moves and speaks.

While telling stories of our past

She tries to teach us how to last.

Mankind, so smart, sometimes blind

Leaves common sense far behind.

We’re moving fast and living large,

Forgetting she’s the one in charge.

Amazed when she rings our bell,

Sending us through a living hell.

She can twist our steel, shake any city,

If her wrath you feel, we shall pity.

Yet some who speak on her behalf,

I fear just seek the golden calf.

It’s true, we must treat her right.

Or we will incur a deadly plight.

Treat her with distinction

Or surely face extinction!

…… Edith A. Phinazee

Q10. ‘If her wrath you feel’. Here “wrath‘ means

(a) Pleasure

(b) Tolerance

(c) Vengeance

(d) Suffering


Answer: (c)

Explanation: ‘Wrath’ is closer in meaning to ‘vengeance’ and ‘anger’.

Q11. When she ‘rings our bell’, it is nature’s way of

(a) Expressing her discontentment

(b) Warning mankind against its actions

(c) Showing her generosity

(d) Seeking compensation from humans


Answer: (b)

Explanation: When she ‘rings our bell’, it is nature’s way of warning mankind of the consequences of not treating her right.

Q12. ‘I fear just seek the golden calf’ means “Mankind’ is

(a) Showing its protective instinct

(b) Indulging in its exploitative greed

(c) Recognising the value of nature

(d) Conserving natural resources to an extreme


Answer: (b)

Explanation: To ‘seek the golden calf’ means not paying attention to the required. Thus, Mankind is still indulging in its exploitative greed.

Q13. ‘Rhyme-Time Riddles’, where the question is a riddle and the answer is a rhyme, is an activity where students practise and study the

(a) poet’s message

(b) Central theme

(c) Mechanics

(d) Superficial meanings


Answer: (b)

Explanation: The central theme is generally the hidden meaning that one uncovers while solving riddle rhymes.

Q14. The poetic device used in the line “Mother Nature moves and speaks’ is

(a) Personification

(b) Hyperbole

(c) Simile

(d) Analogy


Answer: (a)

Explanation: The poetic device in this poem is personification (of the earth as Mother Nature).

Q15. The line “Moving fast and living large’ means that

(a) Nature has become self-destructive

(b) Man has become a victim of natural forces

(c) Nature continues to support man despite his greed

(d) Man is ruthlessly exploiting his environment


Answer: (d)

Explanation: The line “Moving fast and living large’ indicates that man is fast exploiting Nature to fulfil his ever-increasing demands of a comfortable lifestyle.

Directions (Q. 16-30): Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate option.

Q16. A phoneme is a

(a) Technique to improve pronunciation

(b) Single sound unit

(c) Sound pattern

(d) Lexical item


Answer: (b)

Explanation: In a language, phonemes are the smallest units of sound that are understood. They help to distinguish one word from the other.

Q17. A play can be best taught by

(a) Making students read it silently several times to understand the story

(b) Encouraging students to stage the play after working in groups to understand the plot, characters, etc.

(c) Asking several questions to test the comprehension of students

(d) Conducting a test with specific questions on the story and grammar items


Answer: (b)

Explanation: A play should always be taught through role-playing. It helps students understand and learn better. It is a part of active learning.

Q18. When language concepts are taught using real-life situations, they are

(a) Easily understood and used

(b) Not learnt well

(c) Being taught naturally and enabling the learner to use them easily

(d) Being taught in the same way as the learner’s mother tongue


Answer: (a)

Explanation: Students learn well when they are taught a new concept using examples from real-life situations. They can connect their new and previous knowledge for better understanding.

Q19. Abilities for adaptive and positive behaviour that enable students to deal effectively with everyday demands and challenges are

(a) Multiple intelligences

(b) Learning domains

(c) Life skills

(d) Learning methods


Answer: (c)

Explanation: The abilities defined in the question are those of life skills. Some life skills are teamwork, leadership, time management, critical thinking and conflict management.

Q20. Compounding is

(a) String together older words like the formation of the earthquake from earth and quake.

(b) Removing seeming affixes from the existing words, such as forming edits from the editor.

(c) Joining parts of two or older words, such as forming smog, which comes from smoke and fog.

(d) Forming new words from the existing ones by adding affixes to them, like shameless + ness → shamelessness


Answer: (a)

Explanation: Compounding is a process of word formation in which two or more words combine to form a single word. For example earthquake and blackboard.

Q21. Considering that learning styles broaden the approaches taken in the management of language-related problems, some students prefer to get new information in either written form or verbal form. Their learning style is

(a) Auditor

(b) Visual

(c) Kinaesthetic

(d) Manipulative


Answer: (b)

Explanation: Visual learning style is a way of learning in which information or knowledge is related to images. Learners with this learning style ask a lot of questions for clarification.

Q22. Language evaluation should

(a) Measure the learner’s ‘language proficiency

(b) Not be tied to achievement in a particular syllabi

(c) Use only written tests

(d) Be to identify the learner’s proficiency in translating from his mother tongue into English


Answer: (a)

Explanation: The purpose of learning a language is to be proficient in all four basic language skills, i.e. listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Q23. _________ plays a remarkable role in English language learning by helping in communicating ideas verbally and in written form.

(a) Formal grammar

(b) Functional grammar

(c) Scholarly grammar

(d) Transformational generative grammar


Answer: (b)

Explanation: Functional grammar plays a remarkable role in English language learning by helping in communicating ideas verbally and in written form.

Q24. Which is not teacher-centred instruction?

(a) Individualised instruction

(b) Demonstration

(c) Modelling

(d) Lecture


Answer: (c)

Explanation: Modelling is not teacher-centred instruction. Unlike the passive learning of teacher-centred instruction, modelling makes students actively involved.

Q25. Which of the following is not true about the evaluation process?

(a) It takes into account the learning experience.

(b) It evaluates the change in the behaviour of the learner.

(c) It consists of objectives.

(d) It is a tool of measurement.


Answer: (d)

Explanation: Evaluation and measurement are two different processes.

Q26. A mixed-ability group is heterogeneous in

(a) Gender and age

(b) Social strata

(c) Knowledge and skill

(d) Economic status


Answer: (c)

Explanation: When students with different levels of knowledge and different skills study together, the group is termed a mixed-ability group.

Q27. Measurement is a _____ process.

(a) Qualitative

(b) Quantitative

(c) Qualitative and quantitative

(d) Descriptive


Answer: (b)

Explanation: Measurement is a quantitative process.

Q28. The gathering skill while reading is

(a) note-taking

(b) note-making

(c) Puzzling out

(d) Analysis


Answer: (b)

Explanation: Note-making done while reading is referred to as a gathering skill. It is done to collect important information.

Q29. Some noise in the language class indicates

(a) Indiscipline of learners

(b) teacher’s lack of control over the class

(c) Incompetence of the teacher

(d) Constructive activities with learners engaged in language learning


Answer: (d)

Explanation: When a teacher employs a constructive approach in her teaching, the class may become noisy, but the outcome is positive. Learners construct their own experiences to understand and learn things and become well-informed.

Q30. Communicative competence is a subset of functional grammar and its approach in teaching will allow students to

(a) Learn structures and use them accurately

(b) Use structures in a range of output texts

(c) Learn grammar through meaningful communication

(d) Enable teachers to expose students to grammar in the lower classes


Answer: (c)

Explanation: The communicative approach focuses on getting involved in real conversations to learn naturally. In this approach, grammar is not taught separately. It is learnt by learners implicitly, i.e. through meaningful communication.

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