Environmental Studies and Pedagogy MCQ Question

Environmental Studies and Pedagogy MCQ Question with Answer

Q1. Which of the following adaptive features is shown by aquatic plants?

(a) A good amount of woody tissues

(b) Good root hair system

(c) Dissected leaves

(d) Root cap

Answer: (c) Dissected leaves

Aquatic plants such as lotus have dissected, disc-like or ribbon-shaped leaves to help them live underwater. They have poor roots and root hair systems and no roots cap. Aquatic plants are also very poor in woody tissues. Roots in the terrestrial ecosystem contain tiny hair that sticks out of the roots and helps in the absorption of water and minerals.

Q2. While teaching a teacher was referring to attention, memory, problem-solving, memory and planning. What was he teaching?

(a) Cognition

(b) Communication

(c) Social skills

(d) Peer pressure

Answer: (a) Cognition

Cognition is the mental process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses. It encompasses processes such as attention, memory, problem-solving and planning, etc.

Q3. Amit was walking with his father near the sides of a small forest. His father was telling him that there are some organisms that can associate would support each other. Which of the following associations his father be referring to?

(a) Amabel growing over a tree

(b) Pitcher plant taking in insects

(c) Orchid growing on mango tree

(d) Lichens growing on the rock surface

Answer: (d) Lichens growing on the rock surface

Lichen is an association that results from the interaction of algae and fungi. Fungi get shelter and food from algae and in return provide absorbed nutrients to the algae partner for the preparation of food. In this relationship, both partners are supporting each other.

Orchids growing on mango tree, Amabel (Cuscuta – parasitic plant) growing over a tree and pitcher plant taking in insects to eat are not the types of relationships in which the partners are supporting each other.

Q4. Which of the following animals have a strong sense of sight as well as hearing?

(a) Tigers

(c) Dolphins

(b) Eagles

(d) Vultures

Answer: (a) Tigers

Among the given options, the tiger has a strong sense of sight as well as hearing. It can see six times better than us at night. Its sense of hearing, especially, enables it to easily know one sound from another. It can move its ears in different directions to catch the sound. Eagles and vultures have a strong sense of sight. Dolphins have the ability to make different types of sound to communicate underwater.

Q5. Egret birds are often seen feeding something on the buffalo’s back. What happens in this association?

(a) The bird is benefited and the buffalo is harmed

(b) Both bird and buffalo are benefited

(c) The only buffalo is benefited

(d) The only bird is benefited

Answer: (b) Both bird and buffalo are benefited

Egret birds are often seen feeding on parasites on the buffalo’s back. They eat! flies and other biting creatures that are pests to cattle. It is a type of mutual relationship in which both the partners are benefited.

Q6. Which of the following is known as Regur Soil?

(a) Alluvial Soil

(b) Laterite Soil

(c) Black Soil

(d) Arid Soil

Answer: (c) Black Soil

Black soils are found in lava-covered areas of Maharashtra, Saurashtra, Northern Karnataka, etc. The word ‘regur originates from the Latin regurgitate which means to overflow.

Q7. Your father’s mother’s husband is your

(a) brother

(b) brother-in-law

(c) uncle

(d) grandfather

Answer: (d) grandfather

Your father’s mother is your grandmother and her husband is your grandfather.

Q8. Identify from the following, a correct group of food items that we should eat more to recover from protein deficiency.

(a) Cereals, jaggery, and citrus fruits

(b) Milk, legumes, and meat

(c) Milk, citrus fruits and eggs

(d) Cereals, honey, and jaggery

Answer: (b) Milk, legumes and meat

Milk, eggs, meat, fish and legumes grams, beans, pulses, and pea) are good sources of protein. Legumes are low in tat and high in protein. Citrus fruits are rich sources of Vitamin C. honey and jaggery are rich sources of sugars.

Q9. Athletes are generally required to make more muscles and body mass. For this purpose, they need to take a diet that is rich in

(a) vitamins

(b) fats

(c) proteins

(d) carbohydrates

Answer: (c) proteins

Protein is essential for optimum muscle growth. Without them, it would be impossible to build, repair or even maintain muscle tissues.

Q10. Which of the following is not a determining factor climate of a place?

(a) Distance from the equator

(b) Distance from the sea

(c) Winds

(d) None of the above

Answer: (d) None of the above

The climate of a place is determined by distance from the equator, distance from the sea and winds.

Q11. A teacher finds some of his students exceptionally bright and intelligent. How will he teach them?

(a) Along with higher classes

(b) Using enriched curriculum

(c) As per his wish

(d) Along with the rest of the class

Answer: (b) Using enriched curriculum

Exceptionally bright and intelligent students should be taught using an enriched curriculum.

Q12. Which of the following components of food is not digested and absorbed by the human body?

(a) Fat

(c) Sucrose

(b) Protein

(d) Cellulose

Answer: (d) Cellulose

Cellulose is a type of complex Carbohydrate made of glucose molecules. It is not digested by the human body as the cellulose digesting enzyme (cellulose) is absent in the human body. It acts as roughage, which is required by the body for an easy bowel movement but not as a source of energy or growth material. It is present in the cell wall of plant parts such as fruits, leaves, seeds, etc.

Q13. Which of the following is not an objective question?

(a) True and False

(b) Open-ended question

(c) Fill in the blanks

(d) One-word answer

Answer: (b) Open-ended question

Objective questions contain a list of possible answers so that the student will be expected to recognize the correct one. Such questions include multiple choice questions, matching, true and false and fill in the blanks, etc.

Q14. What percentage of total freshwater on the Earth is found in lakes, rivers, streams, and swamps?

(a) 0.36%

(c) 72.2%

(b) 22.4%

(d) 80%

Answer: (a) 0.36%

Of the total freshwater found on the earth, only 0.36% is found in lakes, rivers, streams, and swamps.

Q15. Which of the following is necessary for photosynthesis?

(a) Air

(b) Sunlight

(c) Water

(d) All of these

Answer: (d) All of these

Photosynthesis is a process used by plants and other organisms to make their food in the presence of sunlight, water, and air.

Q16. Which of the following has promoted the ‘Insight theory of learning’?

(a) Vygotsky

(c) Gestalt theorists

(b) Jean Piaget

(d) Wolfgang Kohler

Answer: (d) Wolfgang Kohler

In the 1920s, Wolfgang Kohler studied the behaviour of apes and developed one of the first cognitive theories of learning which is called “Insight Theory of Learning

Q17. Teaching aids are helpful because of they

(a) help teachers work

(b) activate all senses

(c) help students to be attentive

(d) make learning more meaningful

Answer: (d) make learning more meaningful

Teaching aids make learning more meaningful and illustrative.

Q18. Temporary hardness in water can be removed by

(a) adding chlorides and sulfates of calcium and magnesium

(b) adding bicarbonates of calcium and magnesium

(c) boiling

(d) sedimentation

Answer: (c) boiling

Temporary hardness in water is caused by the presence of bicarbonates of calcium and magnesium. It can be removed by boiling the water.

Permanent hardness in water is caused due to the presence of chlorides and sulfates of calcium and magnesium.

Q19. Which of the following groups of features completely belongs to rural settlements?

(a) Agriculture, multi-storied concrete structures, simple living, illiteracy

(b) Greenery, over-crowding, slums, multi-storied concrete structures

(c) Greenery, good job opportunities, slums, superstition quality

(d) Agriculture, the joint family system, superstition, good air

Answer: (d) Agriculture, joint family system, superstition, good air

Rural settlements are characterized by agriculture as the major form of occupation, blueberry, good air quality, joint family system, caste system, superstition, illiteracy, etc.

Q20. An organism that lives in or on another organism and derives subsistence from it without rendering it any service in return is called

(a) Reptiles

(b) Scavengers

(c) Mosses

(d) Parasites

Answer: (d) Parasites

Parasites live in or on other organisms and derive subsistence from it without rendering it any service in return.

Q21. Teaching would be more effective if the teacher

(a) makes his intent purposeful

(b) is a master of the subject

(c) uses various instructional aids

(d) declares his objective at the beginning

Answer: (c) uses various instructional aids

The use of meaningful, illustrative and relevant instructional aids make teaching more effective.

Q22. Which of the following bird has feet for catching the prey?

(a) Sparrow

(b) Eagle

(c) Hummingbird

(d) Parrot

Answer: (b) Eagle

Eagle has sharp eyes and feet for catching prey.

Q23. Children of bright parents tend to be bright whereas children of inferior parents are often inferior.

What does it refer to?

(a) Environment

(b) Nature neglect

(c) Heredity

(d) Lack of self-confidence

Answer: (c) Heredity

Heredity is a significant factor that determines children of a bright parent tend to be bright and interior parents tend to be inferior.

Q24. What should be the goal of a teacher?

(a) Help children in learning

(b) Understand individual differences and learning styles

(c) Develop knowledge and skills in all areas of development

(d) All of the above

Answer: (d) All of the above

A teacher should help children in learning, he should understand individual differences of learners and he should develop knowledge and skills in all areas.

Q25. Which of the following best defines a teacher?

(a) Helps in the educational development of children

(b) Helps in the intellectual development of children

(c) Helps in the emotional development of children

(d) All of the above

Answer: (d) All of the above

A teacher helps his/her students in the educational, intellectual and emotional development of children.

Q26. People have now started using more personal modes of transport. Which of the following would be the effect/effects of this activity?

(a) Increase in particulate matter in the air

(b) A decrease in natural resources

(c) Increase in noise level

(d) All of the above

Using more personal modes of transport results in the release of more pollutants in the air such as smoke containing poisonous gases, suspended particulate matter (very small size dust particles that cannot be seen with the help of eyes and affect respiration), etc. It also causes a decrease in the level of existing fossil fuels. It also causes noise pollution.

Answer: (d) All of the above

Q27. In the process of learning ……….. creates interests for learning among young learners.

(a) motivation

(b) remembering

(c) recognition

(d) evaluation

Answer: (a) motivation

In the process of learning, motivation creates interest for learning among young learners.

Q28. Oh, humans! I make you disturbed by my presence. You are responsible for the increase in my level.

Who am I?

(a) Coal

(b) Noise

(c) Sand

(d) Petrol

Answer: (b) Noise

Noise is an unpleasant sound produced by automobiles, machines, burning firecrackers, etc. So, humans are responsible for the increase in its level. A higher level of noise in surroundings is not good for our health it can cause permanent damage to our ears.

Q29. Which of the following is the best way to motivate a student?

(a) Reward

(b) Complaints to his parents

(c) New behaviour

(d) Regular homework

Answer: (c) New behaviour

If a new positive behaviour of a learner is appreciated by a teacher, it may motivate a learner.

Q30. Identify the incorrect match of the following inventors and inventions.

(a) James Watt: Mechanical bicycle

(b) Joseph and Jacques Etienne Montgolfier: Hot air balloon

(c) Garrett Augustus Morgan: Traffic signals

(d) Wilbur Wright and Orville Wright: Flying machine

Answer: (a) James Watt: Mechanical bicycle

James Watt invented the improved version of the Newcomer steam engine in 1765. It had ways to avoid the wastage of steam. The first mechanically-propelled, two-wheeled vehicle may have been built by Kirkpatrick MacMillan, a Scottish blacksmith, in 1839. The bicycle that we see today has gone through many modifications by many people in the past. So, it is difficult to answer who really discovered the bicycle.

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