Quiz-3: English and Pedagogy MCQ Questions with Answer

English and Pedagogy MCQ Questions with Answer

Directions (Q. 1-9): Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow by selecting the most appropriate option.

1. If you are living in a house with a child on the cusp of becoming a teenager, congratulations. I’m not being sarcastic; you are about to embark on an amazing voyage. It may be a bumpy ride, but on the journey, your child will grow, change and blossom into the adult she will one day become. If you are living with an older teenager, I won’t try to sugar-coat it: you will meet challenges. With the raging hormones; the pressures of exams; the angst of relationships with friends and eventually lovers modern teenagers are under so much pressure, it’s no wonder they get moody!

2. Living with teens can be difficult because your child is in the process of great change. Gone is the baby who adored you without question; only shadows remain of the child who hung on your every word of wisdom. Your teenager is becoming a young adult, trying to find his way in the world. He is now programmed to reject your values and kick against your authority. Some days, when arguments are raging, music is blaring, dishes pile up in the sink and your daughter misses her curfew again, you may feel that you just can’t bear it any longer.

3. But if you take a step backwards, breathing deeply for a moment, you will be able to see that most of the problems and irritations we have parenting teens are small ones. It’s only because we are so close to them that they look so big. It’s all about perspective. Your baby is metamorphosing into the adult he or she will be, and it’s hard to watch. You want to save them from making your mistakes and make their lives easier. News flash: you can’t. What you can and must- do is always be there to listen. There will be times when you are the last person she wants to talk to, but you must make sure the opportunity is always there. Be available.

Source: Raising Teenagers Lynn Huggins-Cooper (adapted)

Q1. According to the author, living with a teenager is like an ‘amazing voyage‘ because

(a) During this voyage the parent will see the teenager blossoming into an adult

(b) The voyage will be very bumpy and dangerous

(c) Both the teenager and the parent will get to see many amazing sights

(d) The voyage will take them to different wonderful places on the earth

Answer: (a)

Explanation: The author believes that during teenage, a child and his/her parents may face many challenging situations. This time period has been described as a voyage. But this voyage will be an amazing one because the parents will get to see the development of their child into an adult.

Q2. ‘I won’t try to sugar-coat it’ – By this what the author wants to convey is that

(a) She does not want to hide the fact that parenting a teenager is full of challenges

(b) Parenting is very challenging and parents must be prepared for it in a gentle manner

(c) Parenting teenagers is like taking an unpleasant cure for an ailment

(d) She does not want to flatter the parents into believing that they are capable of managing teenagers

Answer: (a)

Explanation: Sugar-coating refers to making something superficially acceptable. The author says that she wants to be clear that parenting a teenager is full of challenges.

Q3. Modern teenagers easily become annoyed or unhappy for no reason because of

(a) The hormonal imbalance that is characteristic of this period of development

(b) The failed relationships with friends and lovers

(c) Failing in examinations

(d) The enormous stress they experience at this age

Answer: (d)

Explanation: Modern teenagers face enormous stress due to which they become easily annoyed. This stress may be related to hormonal changes, exams or/and relationships.

Q4. ‘Only shadows remain of the child______’ the word “shadows‘ here refers to

(a) Faint traces of the adoring child

(b) Old memories of the teenager

(c) Old memories of the parents

(d) The darker aspect of the growing teenager

Answer: (a)

Explanation: Unlike a teenager, a young child believes his/her parent without question. The author uses the word ‘shadows’ to refer to the faint traces of this young, unquestioning child that remain in the teenager.

Q5. “Kick against your authority is a manifestation of a teenager’s

(a) Innate tendency to become physically violent

(b) Natural rebellious tendency

(c) Excessive sentimentality

(d) Need for identification with family values

Answer: (b)

Explanation: Teenagers become rebellious and do not like to be directed or dictated.

Q6. “He is now programmed to reject your values’ implies that the teenager

(a) Behaves in such a way because of biological factors.

(b) Derives much pleasure in going against the family.

(c) Is capable of programming his behaviour carefully.

(d) Rejects parents’ values out of sheer spite.

Answer: (c)

Explanation: Teenagers gradually move towards adulthood and are capable of handling their behaviour. They start questioning what is right and wrong and do not accept things blindly.

Q7. The author says that parents cannot prevent their teenage children from making mistakes. What is her advice to the parents?

(a) Be available for consultations and listen to the teenagers.

(b) Don’t try to save the teenagers or make their lives easier.

(c) Be the last person to approach the teenagers with advice.

(d) Do not watch the children growing up at this stage because it can be painful.

Answer: (a)

Explanation: The author believes that a parent should always be available for his/her teenage child. Teenagers may not like to talk to their parents at times, but they should have an option to talk to them if required.

Q8. Pick out a word from the first paragraph of the above passage that means ‘strong feelings of anxiety and unhappiness.

(a) Angst

(b) Raging

(c) Sarcastic

(d) Cusp

Answer: (a)

Explanation: ‘Angst’ is the acute feeling of anxiety.

Q9. Living with teens can be difficult because your child is in the process of great change. The underlined part of this sentence is a/an

(a) Adverb clause

(b) Adjective clause

(c) Prepositional phrase

(d) Noun clause

Answer: (a)

Explanation: Adverbial clauses serve as adverbs and answer the questions when, how, how much, why and where. Here, ‘because your child is in the process of great change’ answers the question of why living with teenagers is difficult.

Directions (Q. 10-15): Read the poem given below and answer the questions that follow by selecting the most appropriate option.

Between the Miles

Because existence can become severe

in one day,

Just sense me and I’ll be there.

In the mind’s eye,

I’m not so far away.

If you hold out your hand,

in the whispers,

I’ll become the zephyr

and besiege you.

If your eye’s upon the stars,

in the crystalline darkness,

I’ll become the moon

And the light shall guide you.

If you rest upon the ground,

in the warmth,

I’ll become the grass

And embrace you.

If you turn outside,

in the wetness,

I’ll become the rain

And upon your forehead, kiss you.

If you free the air,

in the light of day,

I’ll become the sun

And smile for you.

Between the miles-

you need me

you need a friend

Let me be the friend, I want to be.

Heather Stoop

Q10. The ‘zephyr‘ is a

(a) Fine quality of cloth

(b) Scent or odour

(c) Strong stream of air

(d) Gentle, mild breeze

Answer: (d)

Explanation: “The zephyr” is a gentle mild breeze.

Q11. An example of a metaphor is

(a) ‘I’ll become the grass’

(b) ‘Between the miles’

(c) ‘I want to be

(d) ‘If you rest upon the ground’

Answer: (a)

Explanation: Metaphors simply state comparison without using ‘like’ or ‘as’. Out of the given options, I’ll become the grass’ is a metaphor.

Q12. A synonym of the word ‘besiege’ is

(a) Surround

(b) Attack

(c) Befriend

(d) Trap

Answer: (a)

Explanation: The word ‘besiege’ means to surround.

Q13. The theme of the poem is about

(a) Separation

(b) Relationship

(c) Travel

(d) Nature

Answer: (b)

Explanation: This poem is based on friendship. So, the theme of the poem is about relationships.

Q14. The ‘crystalline darkness‘ suggests that surroundings are

(a) Black and sombre

(b) In the moonlight

(c) Lit up by the stars only

(d) pitch dark and quiet

Answer: (c)

Explanation: The crystalline darkness’ suggests that the surroundings have been lit up by the stars as there is no other source of light.

Q15. In the poem, the poet suggests that friendship is unaffected by

(a) Individual independence

(b) Changing feelings

(c) Time and distance

(d) Differences in attitude

Answer: (c)

Explanation: As per the poem, time and distance do not affect friendship. This is also suggested by the phrase “Between the miles”.

Directions: Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate option.

Q16. A self-contained unit of a discourse in writing dealing with a particular point or idea is

(a) An essay

(b) A poem

(c) A paragraph

(d) A statement

Answer: (c)

Explanation: Out of the given options, a unit of discourse would be a paragraph.

Q17. Find the odd one out.

(a) Formal grammar

(b) Descriptive grammar

(c) Prescriptive grammar

(d) Theoretical grammar

Answer: (b)

Explanation: Formal, theoretical and prescriptive are the types of grammar in which the main emphasis is on the rules.

Q18. For enabling her students to gain mastery over English, the teacher should

(a) Regularly expose the learners to a variety of language inputs

(b) Constantly check the learners for all the errors they make

(c) Emphasize learning of grammar

(d) Stop use of their vernacular

Answer: (a)

Explanation: To make her learners proficient in English, a teacher must give them ample opportunities to practise. For this, a variety of language inputs must be given.

Q19. In learning a new language, multilingualism is

(a) An asset

(b) An interference

(c) A burden

(d) A methodology

Answer: (a)

Explanation: Multilingualism is the knowledge and usage of two or more languages. For young learners, a second language is easier when the teacher employs L1 to teach. It helps learners comprehend easily and connect their knowledge of L1 to L2.

Q20. “Scanning is a reading activity which helps learners to _________ from/of the text.”

(a) Draw out information

(b) Enrich their vocabulary

(c) Develop competence in linguist items

(d) Know the meanings of words

Answer: (a)

Explanation: Scanning is a reading technique where a specific piece of information is searched in the text by the reader. So, it helps the learner to draw out information.

Q21. According to the new pattern of education, evaluation is a/an ___ process.

(a) Bipolar

(b) Tripolar

(c) Unipolar

(d) Automatic

Answer: (b)

Explanation: According to the new pattern of education, evaluation is seen as a tripolar process consisting of objectives, learning experience and evaluation.

Q22. Criteria of assessment are a/an

(a) Evaluation guideline

(b) Question-wise distribution of marks

(c) General impression of student’s ability

(d) Scoring key

Answer: (a)

Explanation: An evaluation guideline provides criteria for the assessment of a student’s ability.

Q23. _______ facilitate communication between schools as well as between students/teachers and programmes or between students/teachers and data.

(a) Reference books

(b) Whiteboards

(c) Voice recorders

(d) Computers

Answer: (d)

Explanation: Digital technology enhances education. It gives access to a wide variety of data that can be used for educational purposes. Moreover, the Internet allows connectivity between different schools, and teachers and students.

Q24. The iconic model of learning is based on a system of using

(a) Symbols

(b) Images and diagrams

(c) Different types of graphs

(d) A variety of activities

Answer: (b)

Explanation: Bruner gave three stages modes of intellectual development, i.e. enactive, iconic and symbolic. According to the second stage, a learner learns through diagrams and pictures.

Q25. In the Enquiry Based Language class,

(a) Language learning aptitude refers to the prediction of how well, relative to other individuals, an individual can learn a foreign language in a given amount of time and under given conditions.

(b) Focus is on the use of authentic language, and students doing meaningful tasks using the target language.

(c) Learning is driven by challenging, open-ended problems. Students work in small collaborative groups and teachers take on the role of facilitators of learning

(d) Uses of classroom projects are used with the intention to bring about deep learning, where students use technology to engage with issues and questions that are relevant to their lives.

Answer: (c)

Explanation: Enquiry Based Learning (EBL), a student is not given a known fact but is taught by posing questions, problems and situations.

Q26. When students work in pairs or groups, they just end up chatting in their own language. This can be overcome/monitored by

(a) Giving an easy task so that they may chat less

(b) Writing notes on the board so that they will not use L1

(c) Increasing the difficulty level of the task

(d) Providing clear instruction and objectives before the beginning of the task

Answer: (d)

Explanation: When working in groups or pairs, learners tend to talk and clarify doubts from each other using L1. This problem can be overcome by attacking the root cause, i.e. difficulty in understanding the instructions and objectives of the task. Before starting, the teacher should make all clarifications.

Q27. The skill of introducing the lesson

(a) Depends on the ability of the teacher

(b) Can be used only if the students are receptive

(c) Makes the teaching-learning environment congenial by creating curiosity and motivating the students

(d) Makes the lesson interesting

Answer: (c)

Explanation: Introduction to a lesson plays a vital role in the level and nature of learning. A teacher’s skill is tested in the way she/he introduces the lesson to motivate and generate curiosity among the students to learn something new.

Q28. Constructivism is a theory where students

(a) Study a variety of dissimilar samples and draw a well-founded conclusion

(b) Form their own understanding and knowledge of the world, through experiencing things and reflecting on those experiences

(c) Are facilitated by the teacher and use a variety of media to research and create their own theories

(d) Construct their own learning aids thereby gaining hands-on experience

Answer: (b)

Explanation: In the constructivist approach, a learner constructs his/her own experiences to understand and learn things. It is a learner-centred approach where the teacher has very little role to play.

Q29. Enquiry-based learning

(a) Does not place students in thought-provoking situations

(b) Encourages quiet learners

(c) Does not nurture creative thinking in students

(d) Allows learners to raise questions

Answer: (d)

Explanation: Enquiry-based learning is a learner-centred approach to learning where the learner raises questions to understand and gain knowledge.

Q30. According to Bloom’s Taxonomy, keywords like define, name, state, write, select, etc., come under the _____ domain.

(a) Knowledge

(b) Application

(c) Evaluation

(d) Comprehension

Answer: (a)

Explanation: In Bloom’s Taxonomy, keywords like define, name, state, write, select, etc., come under the Knowledge domain.

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